This ONE Single Piece of Logic DESTROYS Corrupt “Climate Science” & Brings Their Entire Globalist Power-Hungry Agenda To Its Knees

By The Wizard Mandragora
May 28, 2022

But I’m not letting the GOP “Conservative” base take credit for my work and steal from me anymore. Sorry not sorry

Also.. if Elon Musk wants my help with his upcoming legal issues with the SEC and other “human resources” based “legal” bodies, he’s going to have to hire me. I’m not cheap, but I’m easy.

They already based their previous legal attempts against Tesla, i.e. Tesla vehicles being prone to collisions with “emergency vehicles” on my work establishing the baseline physics of human sensory integration with the external environment. WHOOPSie!

Boy did that throw a wrench in their entire fake science and abortion industry program!

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