I’ve Just Been Conned By John Ohm, Editor of Pathways To Family Wellness Medical Magazine

By Manwhore
April 26, 2024

John Ohm asked me to write up an article on my autism work, stating he would publish my article in one of the next editions of his medical magazine Pathways To Family Wellness. After going back and forth for a week explaining my work I also in good faith sent him my medical abstract I’m turning in to pediatric societies identifying the root neural mechanics of autism as a lack of reflexive sensory motor development.

His response was to craft a theory of autism that mimics my work in parallel, using my work linking all the symptoms of autism to their root neural mechanics, but he’s come up with his own false thesis that actually works to obscure the cause of the condition. It’s like stealing and using all my work but changing the title of it. Except no one apparently wants to cure autism they just want to make money off of it.

Shame on John Ohm. I have to do my due diligence and operate in good faith. I contact medical organizations constantly. This is an obscene and outlandish theft of my work.

This is the level of medical fraud and corruption I deal with almost constantly. There have also been multiple attempts to hack my browser history to steal my work as well as ascertain who I attempt to contact. When it was found out I was trying to contact Dr. Robert Malone they began spamming his email and presumably his phone line. I’ve never been able to get ahold of Dr. Malone.

No one previously had been able to link the “spectrum” of symptoms of autism and identify the underlying neurology of the condition prior to my work. The chronic digestive and immune dysfunction, the lack of visual/sensory integration, the delay in and disruption of fine motor development in autists. One of the only scientists to get close was Dr. John Sweeney in 2008:


And here’s Dr. Zamzow getting quite close in 2019:


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