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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 02/16/2012

Girl: What time are you going into work? Has it been busy?
Girl - 2 mins later: Yeah me too, I'm driving back now but I herd to stop in Ocala to get an oil change.
Girl - 1 hr 44 mins later: Yeah I bought my car there do that's where I have to get an oil change.
Me - 1 day 8 hrs later: What time u go bowling?
Girl: Maybe in an hour.
Me: K text me
Girl - 43 mins later: We are heading out now.
Me: K cool
Girl - 4 mins later: Alley Katz
Me: I'll be there around 11
Girl - 1 hr 35 mins later: What a sellout! Lol
Me - 11 hrs 36 mins later: Loll my b
Girl - 6 mins later: Are you at work?
Me: Nope what's up?
Girl: Oh jw. I wanted to go in but my body is so tired.
Me: Lol how late did you bowl till?
Girl - 1 min later: 1ish
Girl - 1 min later: What re you doing today?
Girl: Wanna wash my car? Lol
Me - 1 min later: I'm having couple dates later. If you promise to be my date, I might consider that lol
Girl - 12 mins later: Hahhaha Wth
Me - 4 mins later: Love I need
Girl - 20 hrs 30 mins later: Hey I need to do my fafsa this week. Can I get our papers please
Me - 3 mins later: Yes my dear
Girl: Thank you sir!
Me - 1 min later: Lei me know when u and Brian home. I need to ask him some question
Girl - 2 mins later: Kk
Girl - 1 day 8 hrs later: Hahaha Wth
Girl: Come over and bring tax papers. Please Brian is home
Me - 1 hr 14 mins later: Be there in an hr just got out the gym
Girl: That's perfect. I'm running errands.
Girl - 1 hr 21 mins later: It's an hour
Me - 1 min later: Jeez lady take it slow...
Girl: Lol I just got home hahah
Me - 2 mins later: You are scaring me...
Girl - 1 min later: Weirdo!
Me: Oops wrong person... But that could apply to you too
Girl: Lol

Joined: 01/18/2012
Not sure the identity of this
Not sure the identity of this girl and what you're trying to do here. If she's your buddy's roommate you want to play it cool, not treat her like someone you're learning game on

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

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