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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 08/09/2012
Followed up with some girls this morning and i was tired as fuuuucccckkkk. Only had 5 hours of sleep last night and the one before. Bout to take a nap actually haha. But yea when i saw these girls and ones i talked to in class i was just way out of my pimp zone. Im probabaly being to harsh on myself but it felt like my conversations were boring and kinda chodelike. Mainly I think this because when i first met them and talked it went fantastic and i had energy and was my normal self and had a shitload of momentum goin. I told them i was tired n stuff to help them understand im not my normal self because they also dont know me very well considering i just met them a few days ago and have been texting back and forth. The texting has been awsome ( thanks to manwhore ) i just feel theyll be reluctant to meet after seeing me in such a boring mood. So is there anything you can do on mornings like these to amp yourself up and get in a better headspace or is the only real solution to just get some more sleep and do you think the interaction is completly fucked or is just one morning of chodeness not that big of a deal.
Joined: 08/16/2012
Re: tiredness blows
avoid interacting on less than enough sleep, it just sucks completely. slam a coffee if you only need a couple hours of energy, but you need to be INTENSELY aware of how you're acting on caffeine or else you will come across as too eager

"horsepower, firepower, willpower"

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: tiredness blows
Look if you're low on sleep you just need to be like "Yo I'm low on sleep. Time to STEP IT UP. Like a gangster."

Ain't no half-stepping around here buddy. Grab your balls and go

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Joined: 04/20/2012
Re: tiredness blows

A lot of times when I'm tired it amps me up even more. If I worked an INSANE week when I finally go out its like unleashing a weeks worth of pent up socializing. And I'm really outcome dependent because I just want to socialize to unwind instead of practice PU or trying to get sexual pleasure
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: tiredness blows
@op - look my friend broke it down like this. You have two choices: Either be awesome or make excuses.