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Street girl troubles in real life and some text confusion too...

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Joined: 01/31/2012
Met this girl in the street and texted her like 3 weeks later. Super solid initial interaction so it wasn't really important. Hung out w/ her a few times (she always seems to be at water places while I'm also there) but logistics have never been that great. Her and her friends think my friend is really good looking so that's kinda cockblocking me, but me and my 'uglier' (were both actually way better looking but it doesn't matter so that's enough of that..) friend have 100 times the game. Last time I saw her was at a party and she wouldn't let me kiss her, maybe its cuz she wants my friend, maybe it was the fact that she saw me make out with 2 girls within 20 seconds.. idk but she didn't. Just wondering how I should handle it.

Text game wise I can't ever tell if she's hinting at sexual shit or if she just uses ;) for everything although her and her friends do bring up sex a lot in real life.

*I should note that although I've seen this girl a few times, I couldn't give two shits about her, I just want her, and her friends pussies. I blatantly talk about getting other girls in front of them... and I feel like this is causing her to try to force a 'cool guy friend frame' on me because all her other guy friends are the biggest fucking pussies I've ever met.*

Me: Youre a dork haha. "were bored come be bored with us"
Girl - 1 min later: Thing aren't boring when your around(:
Me - 13 mins later: Haha you and your watery places... Are none if your guy friends exciting? Im sad for you..
Girl - 2 mins later: Your my guy friend and you seem somewhat exciting haha and I read the beginning part out loud and brooke was confused about my watery places(:
Me - 21 mins later: I punch girls in the face wheb they say things like that
Girl: Haha why?
Me - 19 mins later: Isnt it obvious?
Girl - 1 min later: No i'm confused what makes you want to punch girls?
Me - 4 mins later: Hahahah idk. What you doin later?
Girl - 1 min later: Nothin just chillin with brookie
Me - 1 min later: Wheres your other pals?
Girl - 2 mins later: Oh who knows
Me - 1 min later: Mebe when we get home ina but we can meet up.
Girl - 2 mins later: That'd be fun when will you be home?
Me - 6 mins later: Prlly 820ish yo. You better be in a good mood though :)
Girl: Haha I am in a good mood don't worry(:
Me - 50 mins later: Nvm i lied.. were still here :/
Girl: Oh :/ ok
Me - 31 mins later: Its ok girly we can prlly still do something. Were on our way home now. Mebeh you guys can tag along with us of we do sumthin?
Girl: That'd be fun(:
Me - 1 day 1 hr later: We went camping last night.. sorrs :/ did you guys stay outta trouble?
Girl - 7 mins later: Haha maybe...
Me - 7 mins later: Im guessing yes. I wish i coulda caused trouble with you guys ;)
Girl - 4 mins later: That would've been so fun!
Me - 4 mins later: Whatd you guys do?
Girl - 2 mins later: Oh we just hung out and went on an adventure(: haha how was camping?
Me - 7 mins later: Cold and gay cuz you girlies werent there :)
Girl - 17 mins later: Do you think that it would've been more warm and less gay if we had been there? ;)
Me - 3 mins later: Duh. We had an empty tent just waiting there not even being used for anything...
Girl: Haha wow how perfect?! (;
Me - 4 mins later: Yea babe its a shame.. but its k cuz we always seem to be camping nowdays ;)
Girl - 3 mins later: Let's go camping!! Oh my god!!(:
Me - 1 hr 23 mins later: I dunno, maybe... ;) *Really think I couldve done something awesome here but couldn't think of anything.. any ideas?*
Girl: That would be so fun(;
Joined: 01/31/2012
@nerdsaver: Manwhore rep is

Manwhore rep is cool, but you'll lose a lot of 'classier' chicks in the process. I'm assuming this girl might be one of them. Try to tone down any playerish vibes you're sending out on the off chance she is a classier chick. It's fairly hard to gauge whether she's keen given the limited amount of flirting/texting. But since you're macking on other chicks in front of her, I'mma give you the benefit of the doubt and say she's keen. Invite her out to a party, ramp up the fun/intent, isolate and see what's up.
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: @nerdsaver:Manwhore rep is
I wouldn't say shes classy. Shes sorta just that quiet leader of her friend group. BUT I do think you have a point with the playerish vibes..

Maybe I should just kinda zone in on her harder cuz at this point she KNOWS I don't really give a fuck about her.. maybe she just wants me to show that I care a lil more..? <--- this is weird to me because I'm just barely hitting a point in my game where its that I care too LITTLE that stops the girl from completely going with it..
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: @nerdsaver:Manwhore rep is
Just be subtle about your shit man. No PDA. Let your manwhore rep be known in the abstract, not out in the open.
Less is more for manwhore rep. Girls aren't dumb, they'll see you leaving in hand with a chick and just assume you slayed.
No need to go flashing your shit out in public -- it's tacky anyway. Honestly the way I'd play her is through another girl. Like
I'd flirt with her just to see if she's biting, and if I notice she's kind've into me I'll ping pong around the room to find other girls.
If she's a leader I think she'll compete, whether that's subtly or more obviously. It's like an indirect way of figuring out if she's
down. Seriously just isolate her at a party. I'm assuming you're college aged so just make some arbitrary excuse like " Let's shotgun a beer outside. Take a beer bong, smoke some pot. " Or if you are a slick rick and really want to alley hoop the makeout have a hookah. Hookah is money if you want to get that quick makeout with the shotgun. I used to use the hookah when I was REALLY on the fence about a chick being into me. Entitlement issues haha. I still combat them all the time but I find ways to kind've smoothen out my issues. Either way, just isolate man. I think you'll get some token resistance with this one so be chill if she denies the makeout. That awkward moment is going to be when she tests your resolve and when she see's you don't even flinch it'll be money; persistence with this one. I'm sure you already know this though.
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: @nerdsaver:Manwhore rep is
OH YEAH the girl punching thing was my friend who jacked my phone... I just rolled with it cuz its gay to be like "OH SORRY THAT WAZ MY FRIEND!>@K#"

Just quit weed and hookah haha. I'm actually only 17 but I hit on college age girls since the 2 cities above me are both university cities. I think your 100 percent right man.

Now to get this text shit worked out. You guys think the vibes are there? Also right before this was a dry spot.. this is one case where I pulled myself out of it but usually when the convo goes dry I fucking die... what was different with this one?
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: @nerdsaver:Manwhore rep is
@nerdsaver: Yea that shit doesn't even matter lol, honestly.
Joined: 01/31/2012
@nerdsaver: Honestly the
@nerdsaver: Honestly the conversation was fine, quit doubting yourself. I've given you the advice you need to implement it now.... and from what I saw you let the conversation die. Am I missing anything? Women aren't just gonna fuck themselves dude lol ... like you gotta make it happen. You're pretty much college aged so all that applies. " Let's go outside it's hot in here " should suffice. If you're vibing it right that should get your point across.
krispy's picture
Joined: 03/16/2012
Re: @nerdsaver: Honestly the
I dont see what your asking for here? Girl is all over you man she hinted she wanted to bang you in a tent for christ sake lol.
Sick-Cunt's picture
Joined: 04/05/2012
Cbf to read more than the 1st
Cbf to read more than the 1st post but I like your text game. Was hilarious when you told her to meet somewhere then are like 'naw just kidding'. She wants dick, go give her some.

"These girls aren't going to harass themselves" - Some Cunt

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Stree
Ya as mentioned this turkey is cooked over text message. You need to just meet up and escalate. Stop worrying about making out and grab her hips, lift her up, carry her places. Sometimes I just pick a girl up and walk out of the club with her. They can't say no to that

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

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