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Joined: 09/09/2012
Re: radio silence

so i remain chill and don't make contact then i get this:

Her: "Hey. Do you know if it’s possible to copy music from an ipod to a music library?"
(what? so i just reply super normal -NERD):

Me: "what do you mean by music library? it's possible to extract the individual files to PC. but sure it's possible"

Her: "Well i have around 5000 songs on my ipod, the computer which stored the music is dead, and 0 songs on my iphone. Want to basically transfer between the two. Why is apple so shit? Also your texts at the weekend were excessively confusing."

funny. this shit ain't done. i feel like it's a chump move to apologise or even explain.
thinking i'll just avoid the weekend text bit completely.

although my spider sense is telling me this is the whole reason for her to send a message and i should somehow be on it.

might just send "that sucks" though sounds a bit reactive...

feel free to beat me to a pulp with the obvious that i'm missing.