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Joined: 03/30/2012
Met this beautiful girl with big awesome blue eyed on the street. I thought she was polish, but she wasnt. She was on her way to a meeting, but seemed pretty interested. 3 texts and no response. Que paso?

Me: Hey xxx, its xxx(obviously, a polish name[comment: my name is actually super indian]). While you are at your meeting, ill be napping and california dreaming. Dont be jealous.
Me( next day): Yo, como esta la meeting? Get anything done, or was it one of those meetings to plan another meeting?
Me(day after that): I thinkin about robbing a bank tomorrow. U free to drive around 7?

No response.
Sick-Cunt's picture
Joined: 04/05/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl

Lol. Sometimes I think when these stuff happen the girl just wasn't really that interested or something came up [like her meeting a guy or something].

But I didn't like the 2nd text. You were referring back to something that didn't work previously [talk about the meeting]

"These girls aren't going to harass themselves" - Some Cunt

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl
Call her and leave a message. Saves a LOT of girls

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

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Joined: 03/30/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl
Left a message. Dont think it was that great. I say somethign about going to the grocery store and choosing peanut butter.
Anways, the next day I tried a reengage text.
Me: If quizzes are quizzical, what are test?

No response, I'll prob just move on. This one was surprising since she seemed interested.

Is anyone having troubele even starting a text convo from numbers from direct game on the street?
Joined: 06/15/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl

Hm. Yeah I do seem to have trouble with that. My biggest sticking point at the moment. Or, rather, my biggest sticking point would be that I have a hard time actually making her think of me as a real person after the initial interaction... which leads to weaker follow-up game.
Joined: 06/05/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl
Probably thought your text was weird. I think consistency is really important. I would leave your text language the same type of style that you are in person. Like I think manwhore's style of texting does him really well because he's actually like that in person - he's consistent. If you're not crazy witty and super sarcastic in person, then you might be confusing her or scaring her away when you all of a sudden throw some text that sounds like a completely different person.

That's my thought at least. I am not that good of a texter but I do get girls out with me. I'm trying to improve my text game but at the end of the day, if what I'm doing is getting girls to come out with me, then it's not a huge priority for me. And like manwhore said, calling is win.

"Why do faggots always got to kiss the girl?"

Joined: 03/30/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl
I agree. Sometimes I do feel super incongruent throwing out MW texts. But sometime they work and sometimes they don't. In person, I'm pretty laid back and the vibe I have with the girl is kinda "cool, chill guy meets cool chill girl". MW sometimes get attention through text( like lighting the spark) when I don't get anything back.

How do you get girls to meet up with you? Do you call or text?

Sometimes, the frustration I have with texting so much and trying to become part of her "texting life" is that it giving me way too many times to shoot myself in the foot( see my thread on Columbian chick), when I feel like I could have just asked for the meetup. I guess its part of the learning process, to eventually retire my shotgun.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl
Too chill and lackadaisical is not good game. "Cool chill guy meets cool chill girl" means NO ONE is getting laid. You've got to lead. You've got to lead emotionally. Fill that gap between yourself and the emotional projection of the texts I send. They're invoking responses and leading a girl and inspiring her to want to meet up. Too chill is lazy and lack of confidence in expressing yourself.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 06/30/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl
Haha Seeing the title my initial thought was: "Polish Tranny?!"
Joined: 03/30/2012
Re: Polish But Not Really Girl
Not being aggressive, and not leading enough are probably my weaks point, so your comment was fair. Although, how do I move from being too laided back to being more leading and aggressive? I have trouble with that in night game and I get blown off for weak approaches. I feel like I need to wing w some who is good at that( I've been in this for 6 years and have probably pushed myself as far as I can from my will power and perspective alone). Also, does that (leading/aggressiveness) translate to daygame Sasha like approaches?