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Being the man you want to be.

To preface this. I decided not to fuck a girl tonight to write this shit. My fuckbuddy that I was looking forward to fucking had plans...I decided against fucking two other girls that hit me up to hang out. They're fun but just not that damn interesting. Durr. Gotten laid the last 5 days..different girls on some days. Stupid success. Here was the issue. I'm just not getting the same high I used to off of getting laid. I pulled a beautiful girl in 10 minutes to my car and fucked her...and then again in the alleyway.. ;p (lay report up soon) When I finished I was like "hmmm..that was do I ditch this girl..." This shit has gotten me thinking. I have this underline feeling that something is off in the background right now. I feel it every day. It's been like this for around 2 months now. I feel like I'm not pushing my comfort zones as much as I used to. I am constantly chasing that feeling you get when you PUSH THROUGH and survive something difficult. The things that used to be hard are routine. The feeling I first got when I HAMMERED it out to the end of the night on a brutal night. When I made my first pull. When I first persisted to win an awesome girl. When I was a newbie these things came so fast...doing 5 approaches a night...going for a kiss..ect. That rush when you know you are living up to the MAN YOU WANT TO BE. When no one pushed you, you did it yourself, you earned it. These things are becoming harder and harder to find with game. I'm by no means and advanced dude. Intermediate at my best. I am by no means extremely consistent. BUT, I will go out every god damn chance I get. I go in to the hard sets I see. I don't back down when I get shut down. I stay in until the bitter end. I've been slapped, kicked, rejected in the nastiest of ways. None of this matters. At the end of the day it's all about the man I become.

This has driven me to many different things, seeking coaching with Manwhore, signing up for a bootcamp(See ya in a month Julien), and trying new crazy shit. WHAT THE FUCK AM I MISSING? This has been on my mind for quite a while. I think it boils down to my longest plateau. I'm STUCK and I don't know how to get out. It's better than it's ever been but at the same time the easy stuff, WILL NOT make me a champion. Why fuck some girl that I will get NOTHING out of on a night when I could be improving something else? What's the point? It's more worthless than watching t.v. This is referring to me passing up fucking a girl tonight. Sure sex 6 nights in a row would be fun but I felt DAMN good when I gave it up to go to the gym and read. Improving myself, doing the things that make me feel like a champion. Keep in mind, if this was a new girl that I hadn't slept with or an interesting girl then yes I would of had no problem giving the 2-3 hours up. That being said, here's what I love.

-That feeling when you push through and keep going until you BREAK THROUGH
-Having great friends and becoming more and more who I want to be
-Doing things that people tell me aren't possible

Here's what I need to change:
-It's time to move out. I failed in my first goal with the timeline I gave myself. I ignored it. I failed because I didn't take enough action. I cannot let this one go. No one will do this for me. I must find a place and DO IT now.
-Reframe things. No more seeing challenges as something bad. Ie. Extremely stressful day at work. All I want to do is break my healthy diet and eat a cookie or some bullshit. I resisted. I didn't view this in the correct way. When I do resist, I should feel like a champ. It's something that few can do. Most people don't give a shit and can't stick to things. I do, it makes me proud.

Here's my vision:
-I want to have a relationship with 10 girls who I all find interesting and attractive. Girls who I deem worth spending my time with.
-I want to continue learning about my mind, my body, and social interactions.
-I want to push myself in my career. I will not stagnate at work and coast by. I will switch careers or drop out. It's not worth my damn time to not be constantly learning and pushing myself. My 9-5 is currently my biggest time investment. I can't afford to waste that much time if I'm not going to see massive gains in the end.
-I will continue to chase the feelings of breaking comfort zones with hard work. There is NOTHING like this feeling...not even sex. ;)

Here's what I know:
-I will push through this plateau. I'm a champion and I intent to keep feeding my mind reference points to have full belief at all times that this is the case. Doesn't matter how small it is. ie. Going to the gym, not breaking the diet..ect. These little things and sticking to them all make me the man I want to be. Saying I'm going to do something and fucking doing it.
-We have an amazing gift with the ability to SEE how rules that most people set do not apply in life. We achieve great successes off of breaking the rules of social conditioning. I believe if we carry this shit into the other aspects of our life we will be champions.
-I WILL make it. I WILL work until I make it happen. There is no option to not live the life I envision myself living.

Watching this video right now to set the theme. A true champion.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Being the man you want to be

Got to be running hard on all cylinders

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Being the man you want to be
On another note, great article mang.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Being the man you want to be

Damn, dude. That was a really great read.

Seems like you just feel a little empty... I get this sometimes. But meditation really helps.

It's sorta like this feeling and understanding that "Nothing in the world is going to make me happy"... It's the truth. Nothing in this world will make you happy, nothing in this world is going to make you feel fulfilled...

So I tend to get hints of this feeling when I notice my mind wandering and starting to "chase" certain things or "latching onto" certain things for fullfillment. Like at the end of the day we are all just going to die and nothing we did is actually going to prevent that or change that or even really matter at that point.

The only way we can be content is just to be content within ourselves, first and foremost.

I'm not so much lecturing, as I am simply acknowledging that I have times when I feel the same way you do, that feeling of emptiness, but with meditation, proper diet, working out, fish oil pills, etc. etc. It becomes easier to cut those thoughts off and just come back to your own body and the recognition that, at the end of the day, it's just you. Period.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."