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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 03/30/2012
Met this girl on the street during the day. She's apparently a club girl who likes partying, tanning and...well, you get the picture. Gorgeous blue eyes( which Im a sucker for).

Me: Hey XXX, its weird random guy #18365936, but really subtly/ironically awesome man numero uno. Don’t char yourself, eskimobutt. Cheers. – XXX( we joked about how she gives lots of guys her number in the club)
Her: Haha and obviously with an awesome sense of humor
Me:Beb, I’m actually very serious and shy :l Girls have cooties ;)
Me: Okay now
Me: Alright time to hit the gym and then transform into a recovering cookie addict(story of my life). Have a great night Eskimobutt
Her: Hahah doing the same
Me: Getting up was not as bad as I thought this morning, but im crashing after work. You manage to wake today beb?
Me: Ahh, get to take my much needed nap. Hopefully, I wont wake up wondering what time zone im in.
Her: Hah aim still recovering from the party
Me: Yeah, for those of us who went to work today, it felt like foreverrrrr. And now im getting sick. Not liking chicken broth right now :(
Me: Definitely woke up in a different time zone yesterday, slept till 12:30 and then went back to sleep at 2. Only cure for this is lots of hot coco. With whipped cream on top of course.
Me: Hey goof, bet my weekend beat yours.
Her: No way
Me: You probably stayed at home, knitting and doodling hearts w my name next to it.
Her: Haha no
Me: Well, I cant lie I got sick, so I watched braveheart and the English patient. Whats your schedule like this week?
Her: I go so much freelance design work I don’t even know when I will be sleeping.

So, I went for the pre-setup for date and she backed off(saying she was busy). Should I try to set something up or just volley back and forth more until a high point. I was going to respond, " Well, looks like i have the opposite problem. My life = more winning than yours ;)", but I dont really know if that gets things moving anywhere
Joined: 03/30/2012
Re: Another Russian Girlie
Me: Well, I can't lie, i got sick, so i watched braveheart and the english patient. Whats ur schedule like this week?
Her: I got so much freelance design work I dont even know when I will be sleeping
Me: Seems like we have opposite problems. My life = winning
Me: Lets grab som coffee wednesday, we can make fun of everyone freezing their ass off outside, while we burn our tongues, well, prob just you
Me: Tonite iwanna go down on u & make u extremely happy. Then come back up slowly & fuck u real good. your truly, gas prices.
Her; Ahaha
Me: Yeah, i thought id say it was from me but these are serious times. I cant get you too excited, you gotta work pumpkinbutt
Her; Yea this election stuff is borrrrring
Me; Come help do my laundry, waaayyy more exciting. Laundry + politics beb, you will have a hard time keeping your granny panties on.
Her: Haha working the night shift. Watch the news @11!
Me; Why? Are you proposing to me over tv? Too soon, a little weird, and i might say no....
Her; No, I work for CBS news
Me: Nice, are u reporting?
Her: Graphics
Me; So ill see your graphic?...Confused, but i don't have a tv.
Her; Yep
Me: Just watched the end of the election...and back to laundry. I really dont want to fold, just want to fall into a warm pile of clothes. Don't think of this, you'll fall asleep at work.
Next Day
Me: I prob got less sleep than you last night. I oddly got up at 2 and started working out and cleaning. Now my mind and body are celar. You prob fell asleep at your desk with a bottle of vodka.
Her; Haha just woke up and have to be at work @2:30
Me: Oooowww, beb when i divorce you, i will certainly sight irreconciable schedul affecting sandwhich making skills on your part. You're prob late.
Her; I was late 7 min haha
Me: Aww, its ok you're still kinda cute, however predictable you are. Well, going to a crutis concert, hopefully, this kid is good. Enjoy work?
Her; I guess kinda sick of making holiday graphics
Me: Stop your whining(arnold voice), but seriously im not your venting diaper.
Her; Im also getting a cold and my nose is running
Me: Diaper is full

So, I got sick of this girls whining and stopped texting her for th night. Any ways to proceed? Go for a meetup again?
Joined: 10/29/2012
Re: Another Russian Girlie
In my expirience girls never make it easy. Only like one in 15 will make moves on you and let you have it fo free. Lol
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Another Russian Girlie
You're texting too much mang the balance of value is way skewed. You're sending 3 texts for her 1 text

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