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Was talking to falc and I have a quick quesiton

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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Okay, so we were talking and I guess I have a question:

Like when it comes down to it, is natural game basically just a matter of cultivating positive emotions and being social?

Kinda seems like a solid recipe to me, yeah?

I totally oculd just be rephrasing what's already been said, but to me, this understanding of it was like, "ooo okay, that makes sense"

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
We agreed with each other and
We agreed with each other and thought that this is exactly what natural game is...

except that like for some people hitting it super hard and being an approach machine is how they cultivate positive emotions, so it just varies by the individual.

But that like the general recipe is just like, generate positive emotions however that process works for you... and be social...

Obviously this is just us sorta interpreting what's out there. This ins't anything new, at all. But it IS funny how sometimes it takes this sort of reformulation in your head to make things click.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 04/20/2012
I wouldn't consider myself a
I wouldn't consider myself a natural, I rarely did cold approach like how we do it in the community but pre-community I have had some good times with strangers in clubs, even have gone out by myself and have had good times from it. So I had some naturalish tendencies. Everything you learn from RSD and the community in general is what naturals do to get girls. In a nutshell. It works whether you understand the principles or not. Naturals who don't know the principles do the exact same shit we try to do. Like take evil stiffler. Ive obviously never met the guy but from what I heard he sounds kinda dumb and weird but beasts like there is no tomorrow. He is really outcome dependent. He knows there is another girl around the corner or a phone call away and his intent is super clear. I imagine him meeting a girl anywhere with anyone and him achieving a full boner. All he is thinking about is fucking her. All his behaviour is leading to him fucking her. Anything he says leads to fucking her. Intent is really clear. If she doesn't like he she'll run away, and he doesn't care if she does or who sees it. If she does like it, she'll be sucking his dick in no time.

That's really all you have to work on if your socially calibrated, that is, figure out what your intent is when talking to a girl and have a good time (which means not in your head, not caring about outcome, etc.) If your a freak then yeah you'll have to learn how to be social and shit. The community actually really hurt my game when I found out about it because instead of being normal and having fun I would 'try things' and tried to prove this shit to myself. So before where I would just have a good time and talk to people, occasionally landing a beauty, I would put too much effort into "picking up" the girl which made me a bit weird.
Joined: 05/27/2012
yh, if you become hardcore at
yh, if you become hardcore at this shit you'll eventually become better than most naturals cause of willpower, i.e. Tyler and just pure ballsiness in all situations.

Also, most people let the environment take care of their emotions, or drink to feel a buzz - we're pushing ourselves into that good state as if we're going hard at the gym. It's weird, cause we take game so seriously, but that seriousness is all in aid of having fun to its maximum potential.

The growing pains of this shit is learning how to master your tonality, eye contact (harder if you're a social retard starting out), controlling your thoughts and emotions, escalating and knowing when to execute for a pull. It's tryhard at first then it becomes intuition - i'm nowhere near intuition at the moment and i'm intermediate at best lol but we all know how this shit works, and what the method is.

I love the self actualization facet of game - like...knowing why we do what we do. Take a natural for example; he'll live by the same code as us, but use different semantics to describe why he does what he does and gets the results he gets. My natural friend has always said to me that on his gravestone he wants the message inscribed "people just need to learn how to chill out" and that's how he relates to everything in life. So yeah, by actually knowing there's a method to this shit, its like revealing the magicians trick - but knowing how to pull off the 'trick' consistently is the hard part.
Joined: 03/09/2012
Ya man, as far as I'm
Ya man, as far as I'm concerned you can break down the distinction between synthetic/routine based game and natural game to 1 thing:

Attraction in general, whether it be through routine or natural game, depends on emotional sub comms, that's what does the work. The difference between routines and natural game is that with routines your emotional state depends on the extent to which you think you will get the girl (the fact that you have a routine makes you comfortable when you approach, then when teh girl gives you IOIs this validates you and boosts your state even more, which you then transfer back onto the girl through the law of state transfer). If you approach without a routine or she gives you something you don't have a technique for, your state crumbles, you subcommunicate this and you lose the girl. With natural game, you have MOMENTUM, which is basically a reservoir of positive emotions taht you cultivate from living the lifestyle that you enjoy and self-amusing (maybe you have 10 girls at home, maybe you have an awesome career, good friends, maybe you've been blown out 20 times in a row and this amuses you or makes you indifferent) when you go up to the girl, you don't need to know you're going to get her to feel good, your state does not depend on her and so you can approach with nothing precanned and just transfer positive emotions onto her. She feels this as entitlement and gets attracted. Tyler culivates this reservoir by hitting up mad girls until he snaps his head of out an inhibited, anti-social zone and Alex does it by unwinding and lightly socializing out of an inhibited, anti-social zone. In both cases, momentum correlates with an unstifling in the social environment because stifling and self-consciousness are basically the biggest killer of positive emotions/entitlement you can find.

I find the anomalies are guys like Ryan, who go in depressed and drag the girl into their dark reality. But if you think about this from an evolutionary standpoint, a girl is gonna wanna mate with someone that can help her and her offspring survive and subsequently reproduce as well. A guy that sub communicates congruence indicates that people respond to him well, ie. taht he has high social status, and this is very attractive for women. Also, women enjoy emotional spikes for some reason, which is why dark motherfuckers like The Weeknd turn them on and get their pussies wet. So its not like you need to be "happy happy happy!" to get the girl, I think it runs deeper then's more about having a strong frame/sense of reality. In a social interaction, the person with the stronger frame draws the ohter person into the reality that they believe is the case. I feel like at an advanced level it's not as much about giving the girl so much positive emotion taht she chooses to sleep with you then it is about walking up entitled and believing she's yours. or believing that she is lower value than you, and she falls into the frame because its stronger then hers. This is actually easier then guys make it sound because women ping off their environment like motherfuckers and usually have really weak frames, hot ones just act like they have a strong frame but its raelly more bark then bite alot of the time. Thats basically how they test you, to see if youre entitled and to see if you have a frame they can fall into...which is basically the man/women dominant/submissive dynamic
Joined: 03/09/2012
Gogo wrote:yh, if you become
Gogo wrote:
START QUOTE yh, if you become hardcore at this shit you'll eventually become better than most naturals cause of willpower, i.e. Tyler and just pure ballsiness in all situations.

Also, most people let the environment take care of their emotions, or drink to feel a buzz - we're pushing ourselves into that good state as if we're going hard at the gym. It's weird, cause we take game so seriously, but that seriousness is all in aid of having fun to its maximum potential.

The growing pains of this shit is learning how to master your tonality, eye contact (harder if you're a social retard starting out), controlling your thoughts and emotions, escalating and knowing when to execute for a pull. It's tryhard at first then it becomes intuition - i'm nowhere near intuition at the moment and i'm intermediate at best lol but we all know how this shit works, and what the method is.

I love the self actualization facet of game - like...knowing why we do what we do. Take a natural for example; he'll live by the same code as us, but use different semantics to describe why he does what he does and gets the results he gets. My natural friend has always said to me that on his gravestone he wants the message inscribed "people just need to learn how to chill out" and that's how he relates to everything in life. So yeah, by actually knowing there's a method to this shit, its like revealing the magicians trick - but knowing how to pull of the 'trick' consistently is the hard part.

I actually disagree, I think naturals do so well because they exert no willpower whatsoever, they simply walk around with an entitlement frame that girls will fall into whether the natural approaches like a machine or is more passive. Exerting willpower usually has alot to do with pushing into your comfort zones, and with regards to pickup that has alot to do with throwing yourself into situations your brain is telling you that you don't belong in (ie. trying to fuck a girl who you don't feel entitled to fuck). Naturals also do what has worked for them in the past, so if just chilling gets them laid they revert to it and likewise for hitting it up. I think the idea is they've developed a sense of reality that involves a deep, very powerful association between a series of behaviours they engage in and them getting laid, and this is basically what the strength of their entitlement frame consists in...the willpower only goes as far as moving their limbs to approach and talk to girls lol.

One reason I think that a raw natuarl, who in my case I've only met one of in my life (met tons of situationally confident sports players, popular guys, etc.), and by that I mean some guy that draws state from within and can do this across a wide variety of social contexts, will always be better than an experienced PUA is because its very hard to unwire past connection. That's why guys like Tyler, who go as hard as anyone for as long as anyone in the game has been in it, still get to the club and feel a mild degree of the anti-social, beta feelings they used to feel before abundance. Those feelings may always come back, though I'm not sure if it's like taht for everyone, I think you just get way better at managing them and you cultivate a different personality matrix that is basically an uber pimp which you can switch into when you do the right things.
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Interesting... One odd thing

One odd thing about my game before the community was this very odd situation where like so many girls would hate me lmao... like really, they just would NOT want to even be around me... But then like the girls that were into me were like SUPER SUPER into me and tended to be smoking fucking hot

Also- they all tended to have the same general traits...

-Very introverted
-Very concerned with the well-being of others (often to the extent of harming themselves)
-Very smart
-Very willing to just go with the flow, and not have control

I think one of the biggest thing that's happened to me as I've matured and, I think a lot of it is attributed to my focus on pooah is the following: Although I've become FAR more selfless and exponentially less focused on myself, in the sense of like thinking everything was revolved around me... But like with that, I've actually evolved into more of a focus on myself. Like I've become more selfish as I've become selfless.... If you haven't experienced this you won't know what I'm talking about, but if you've gone through this process, you know EXACTLY what I"m talking about. Like you come to understand that everything you wanted to do for others, you actually need to do for yourself, and the rest just falls into line.

Take for example: "I want to be more hoenst with others" or "I want to be kinder to others"... what you really should be saying is, "I want to be kinder to myself" or "I want to be more honest with myself"... Make sense?

But yeah, wow those were some great responses guys. Thanks.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 05/27/2012
Yeah, i get what you mean - i
Yeah, i get what you mean - i think what you're going through is a paradigm shift of consciousness.

Like you've become so self accepting and proven to yourself time and again that you're a boss in a number of social situations that you don't need to focus on yourself as much as you used to. For example, a newbie when speaking to a chick who he thinks is out of his league will be micromanaging the whole conversation - trapped inside his head worrying about how he looks right now, what he should say next and that general bullshit that cripples your connection with people. Someone who understands their self, and is comfortable talking with others who may be perceived as high value won't be micromanaging every tedious little thing going on, but will probably be more concerned with how to build a connection with this person of value - like the example with the hot chick, you're less selfish cause you want her to be having a good time, i.e. giving her a full range of emotions.

It's like what Buddha says (lol no pun intended), "Be the change you want to see in the world", meaning you focus on your own shit first, and then naturally you start to become more empathetic with other human beings.

On a side note, those chicks who were super attracted to you are probably your blueprint AKA 'ideal 10' cause of the raw chemistry you have with them.
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Interesting. Yeah, well my

Yeah, well my in-person game is still pretty newbie, I think coming to this understanding is more just from life experience in general... but I certainly understand myself fairly well (always more to learn) but I mean for a 22 year old graduating college, sure, yeah I have a decent understanding of who I am.

But it's a new realization... Like it sorta just clicked in my head a couple weeks ago. This sort of understanding seems to always follow a rough patch, interesting how that happens.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/18/2012
I think all you guys just
I think all you guys just want balls in your mouth.

Tyler taking 3 hours to unwind and get into a social zone where he can get work done has always been somewhat laughable and you do NOT want to take that on yourself. You also don't want to categorize guys in the game according to that "standard". Tyler acknowledges very readily that it takes me basically NO time to get into state.

Natural game is about being able to project social emotions and then escalating on windows of opportunity. There are plenty of guys who have the first part down.. but don't escalate. You don't call those guys naturals. All guys who can take a girl and bed her, look into her face and project something onto her. Either the girl wants to fuck pretty soon, or it takes awhile, but the guy is pushing an agenda onto her. Then when she's ready he plucks that ripe little peach.

I also had a great discussion with Katalyst the other night, he had some insights that surprised the fuck out of me considering his time in the game. He mentioned someone we both knew as being "soft" emotionally. E.g. things influenced their state quite often and they were usually on some kind of emotional roller coaster.

Funny enough as this is this person's REALITY, they wouldn't even realize they were soft. They probably think everyone deals with the same stuff.

But this is a part of game that people don't realize has monumental consequences. Women, the environment, your dog, all project random nonsense at you. Your ability to stay on your agenda thru ALL of it is what dictates the outcome. You do not fall for bullshit emotions that do your agenda no good. A good question to ask yourself when you failed in a certain situation, is what specifically changed to make you fail. If the answer is your behavior, which was influenced by your emotional state.. then you have some man work to do.

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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Manwhore wrote:I think all
Manwhore wrote:
I think all you guys just want balls in your mouth.

Tyler taking 3 hours to unwind and get into a social zone where he can get work done has always been somewhat laughable and you do NOT want to take that on yourself. You also don't want to categorize guys in the game according to that "standard". Tyler acknowledges very readily that it takes me basically NO time to get into state.

Natural game is about being able to project social emotions and then escalating on windows of opportunity. There are plenty of guys who have the first part down.. but don't escalate. You don't call those guys naturals. All guys who can take a girl and bed her, look into her face and project something onto her. Either the girl wants to fuck pretty soon, or it takes awhile, but the guy is pushing an agenda onto her. Then when she's ready he plucks that ripe little peach.

I also had a great discussion with Katalyst the other night, he had some insights that surprised the fuck out of me considering his time in the game. He mentioned someone we both knew as being "soft" emotionally. E.g. things influenced their state quite often and they were usually on some kind of emotional roller coaster.

Funny enough as this is this person's REALITY, they wouldn't even realize they were soft. They probably think everyone deals with the same stuff.

But this is a part of game that people don't realize has monumental consequences. Women, the environment, your dog, all project random nonsense at you. Your ability to stay on your agenda thru ALL of it is what dictates the outcome. You do not fall for bullshit emotions that do your agenda no good. A good question to ask yourself when you failed in a certain situation, is what specifically changed to make you fail. If the answer is your behavior, which was influenced by your emotional state.. then you have some man work to do.

100% agree... That's a huge focus of mine. I'm pretty similar to whoever that guy is you were talking about, i.e one of my biggest weaknesses IS my emotional softness. The big difference though is that I definitley recognize it and take massive amounts of action to combat it. It's not something you're born with, necesarily, like yeah, some people are just more emotionally "hard" than others, but just like anything, it is something that can constantly be worked on, improved and change for the better.

Lmao, it's the reason why I focus on doing so much meditation and other shit that actively keeping me on track... Without that stuff, it's real easy for those random thought patterns to work their way into my head...

I guess, for me, it's kinda like working out... like if you stop working out you can't expect to keep your muscles, if I stop meditating and doing the shit that keeps me out of my head and as centered as I can be, I can't expect to keep my sanity lmao. But it's cool, I still party on.

Nice post.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Like yeah, some people think
Like yeah, some people think being emotionally "soft" or having difficulties with that shit is a total death wish, hell some people are literally just born with a much higher propensity towards it, and if it's not worked on, it's absolutely a fucking DEATH WISH...

But at the same time, learning to control it, learning to take action towards getting it in check and learning how to manup desptie of it, is a HUGE pilgramage and not something that happens over night. But it IS something that HAS to be done, if success is something you want in life and you are aware that it's an issue and, in some cases, simply if you care about yourself and other people.

There was a large part of my life where I was NOT aware of it, and it fucked me in so many ways it's not even funny lmao (well, kinda is). But it only has changed to what it is now (which STILL needs a LOT of work) because I literally made it my life goal to change it. That's really the only way to go about it, at least for me,

haha, actually, there's even a chapter in this one dudes book that's coming out, I don't fully understand it all but yeah, kinda cool,.. Basically some people kinda were just like, "Yeah.. you're fucked".. and I was like.. umm... no? lmao, somethin like that.

Anyway- this is something I feel strongly about because it's been a huge part of my life and probably will continue to be for a very long time.

So just like manwhore said, if this is an issue for you, absolutely work on being more of a "man"- as I've said countless times, that's the reason I'm here. Lmao, and every case is different, probably most cases don't require NEAR the level of focus that mine has. But there's the extremes, like the guy manwhore mentioned who doens't even realize it's an issue and then guys like me, that recognize it's an issue and literally have to work like a fucking madman to keep it all under control, but it's worth it... SO worth it.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."