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Joined: 01/03/2018

The fact that you didn't get that girl or didn't close or she left you/cheated on you may not be your fault. 
​Lots of extremely high quality guys routinely get skipped over to be chosen by many hot girls, whether early on or later on in a particular situation with a girl because simply put, they were TOO fucking good for the girl to begin with. 

​You can be a good person, really rich, goal oriented with so much to offer a woman in terms of leading her to growth AND an Alpha Male to boot, and you'll still get skipped over or replaced by someone who is a complete and total loser, who has nothing to offer. 

​Well, thats not entirely true. He DOES have something to offer, it just isn't what YOU have to offer. It doesn't make what he has better
​than what you have, just because SHE wants what he has. It just means she wants what he has to offer, and he may not even be freely
​offering it or even intentionally offering it. It also doesn't mean you can't get the same thing and offer that as well.

​All things considered, in her evolutionary brain, you are BOTH competing Alpha Males. Even if he isn't a true Alpha Male, she detects him as such, since he has his own strong Alpha Male characteristics that she is EMOTIONALLY triggered by, she isn't objectively deciding who to be attracted to. Now, If he gives even a .1% less of a fuck than you do about what happens between him and the girl than you care about what happens between you and the girl, in terms of LOSING the girl etc, he will usually have the upper hand, regardless of your innate goodness, material trappings, objective social status, even leadership ability. This is because even with shitty leadership on his end, his lack of neediness will have her more CAPTIVATED, thus giving him more influence with her, due to many possible factors too voluminous for this reading lol. Statistically speaking, the probability of him having more influence with that girl than you if he gives less of a fuck than you is extremely high, and is high enough as to be considered pretty much a given. 

​Another important factor comes into play, which really isn't given much the correct amoun of attention to by 90 percent of even the top guys in Game. Empathy. Not sympathy, but empathy. A true Alpha Male will have empathy with the women, because as a leader he will have learned in his evolution that knowing where people are at and how to manage their states of mind is an extremely important skill to have if you want to be the leader. A true Alpha Male will actually have empathy with everyone, as he must know how to move them in
​the direction he wants. A scumbag with strong Alpha Male characteristics will also have empathy, although he will not be looking out for the best interests of the people he is leading, as a true Alpha Male would. This can be for many different reasons, from nature to nurture, but scumbags who get your girls simply do not care what happens to the people they influence as much as a true Alpha Male does. 

True Alpha Males are trustworthy above all else, they have to be lest they be abandoned or killed by the tribe. This is why healthy non-sociopathic humans have emotionally based empathy, and sociopathic types have ONLY cognitive based empathy. Emotionally based empathy can cause fear and apprehension in taking selfish actions, and thus prevents most people from betraying/endangering the group unnecessarily, while sociopathic types would betray or endanger the group with no visceral fear of dying. It is for this reason and this reason alone that scumbags with strong Alpha traits are NOT true Alpha Males, they are innately lacking in the ability to be truly trustworthy. The simply are NOT fit to be leaders of this race in the long term.

It is for this reason also that many scumbags seem to have strong Alpha Male characteristics. While they are not all pure psychopaths, they have some variation of low emotional empathy, and thus low fear of social reprisals/ostracism. What keeps you "good" is the basic fear of abandonment and ostracisim, which spells death in our ancient brains. Being "good" is a survival instinct at it's very root, thats why it feels good to most of us. When you don't have these fears, you basically are forced to respond to the world through observing how
​other people tick and calibrating your behavior to that. You're also not scared of doing the things you know you have to do to get what
​you want from people. The lack of emotional empathy forces them to use cogntive empathy, observation and reason to figure out how the rest of us tick, and it's not that hard because most humans are utterly run by their emotions and thus give the scumbag plenty of leverage over them. Basically, you care, they don't. Thus they are free to be as charming, fun, "open", deceptive, manipulative and harmful as they need to be. While not all scumbags are all exactly like this, you get roughly something like this in many cases, whether through nature, nurture or both. Not all ancient sociopaths bred with other sociopaths, so you have a complex mix of variables that produce low emotional
​empathy individuals, many of whom are among the VERY best with women. 

In fact, the more of a pure psychopath they are, usually the easier they not only fuck your girls pussies, but they can fuck your girls mind to the point where whatever little Game you're running is but a mere pellet in the face of a bonfire. For the rest of the girls life, she will lay in bed at night sighing about the emotional experience the psychopath gave her, after he's completely left her life. If he was to call her or run into her 10,20,30 years later, and she was happily married with kids, he wouldn't even have to do much at all to wisk her away from her family in many cases. In fact, his mere presence would utterly electrify her, even if he has long forgotten her and didn't even look in her direction. The fact that he has no problem risking losing the girl and no problem cutting her right to the bone with his Game makes him the most compelling to her/ He just has no issues saying and doing things which spin her head out soooo bad that shes literally
​traumatized into a lifelong attachment to him. She will spend the rest of her life unconsciously seeking this kind of experience again,
​and running watered down Game just won't do. I don't advocate going all the way if you don't want to, but giving her tastes of the main components she's addicted to works to get her chasing you, one part of her hoping that you'll make her re-live that sublime agony, the
​other wanting resolution. Bring resolution and she WILL despise you for it. 

​Not all of the scumbags who get your girls are this bad, many are also narcissistic, maybe just immature and/ or druggies, living in the moment and pretty much the personality they have, drugs and lifestyle they live inadvertently mimics the psychopathic lack of concern in ways that help them with women. The better they are, the more calibrated they are and the more indifferent they are. 

​There are many classes of scumbags who fuck your girls and make them forget all about you. Can you ever have this level of success?
​Can you be the guy who seems to completely dominate his dealings with women? Are you, by virtue of your normal emotional wiring 
​DOOMED to be the loser cuck when put up against a predator?

​Of course not! 

​This is what makes Game fun for us normals. We get to learn how to influence women in ways that most people just aren't willing to learn. The pain of learning makes us strong and we are blessed to have complete control over our own impulses and whims, something that many scumbags are horrible at, as a result of their wiring. We can actually be a lot better at Game than them, and to learn how to be that emotionally detached when its called for makes us Magickians. It makes us mental alchemists of the highest order. We can learn to dish out pleasure and pain deliberately. We literally are learning how to control forces that should be out of our reach, and yet will not be under our full control until we are truly ready. By learning how to Game as a normal, you are learning how to use the Laws Of The Universe to your benefit and thus can use them for anything. Learning to Game as a normal requires exquiste emotional control of yourself so that you can emotionally influence the girls properly.

​This is why Game is Sacred. By learning women, we learn life and even things beyond this life.



Joined: 01/03/2018
Also, ALOT of why you get

Also, ALOT of why you get skipped over has to do with her own emotional addictions and "success barriers", some of it is self esteem issues etc. What you gotta do is calibrate to her needs, if you want that pussy like that, yet also not care if you don't get or get it. It's how it has to be.


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Joined: 03/27/2013
I agree with a lot of that.

I agree with a lot of that. Jon has a good article about this, I believe it’s called “why douchebags get laid.” I would link you if I wasn’t on my phone. Talking about sociopaths is interesting as fuck. I would suggest “The Art of Seduction” by Robert Greene (I think) if you want to dive into that world and see what it look so like to be a bit sociopathic. 

Also, don’t get too hung hung up on the fact girls “skip over” high quality dudes. People in general have varying tastes and they change constantly. 

Joined: 01/03/2018
I'm not too hung up on it,

I read that book and I am definitely a blend of the Rake and the Charismatic, at my best, but I also can be a Star as well, which I think is my TRUE type as far as the seducer types. I'm cultivating a more coquettish type of toolbox currently.

I'm not too hung up on girls skipping over high quality guys, but there are very good reasons why it should definitely be taken into consideration, reasons that go far deeper than the surface level stuff that I covered in this

​this thread. I won't be discussing that for a while, because it's pretty dense and heavy and would take a lot of time. 

​However, the reasons I'm talking about are so sound and profound that it's necessary to develop a whole seperate toolbox, just for when you're stuck and your "white magick" isn't working, it's time for a little "black magick" to make it happen. Really though, it's all the same shit. Good and evil are just different degrees on the same spectrum. Even sociopaths, who seem to occupy the more evil regions on that spectrum, serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things. 

The biggest weakness a sociopath has is also the source of his power, the lack of emotional empathy. It just downright escapes them sometimes that something bad is going to happen if they take a particular action, and even if they did everything perfectly so far, that one little action undermines their entire castle and then it was all for nothing. Not that it's too big a deal to them, but we don't want to take on that level of stress, nor waste our time and energy, when we can do things right the first time or at least do the best we can and not lose it all just because we zagged when we should of zigged. Also, too many times they don't realize they fucked up and just chalk it up to the other person being stupid or something like that.

​It's not really necessary to go balls out in your "black magick" when working on a girl, since it's futile. From the metaphysical model, the psychopath is a "psychic vampire" and thus causes

​long term trauma bonds to extract life force from the victims, the logic in this being that even when the victim is far away, the thoughts and longing for the psychopath nourish them through

​non-local channels. This is because supposedly the psychopath is a deficient in life-force, and inherently lacks the ability to create it for themselves, therefore they are forced to prey on 

​others to feed their insatiable thirst. Now, I don't know how true that really is, but I say all that to say the following: IF you yourself don't have a "thirst" to inflict major damage on a girl to

​fulfill your own needs, then why even bother? Just inflict as much as is prescribed to get what you want, nothing more, nothing less. I say that because I PERSONALLY think that particular

​psychopaths are "assigned" particular targets in this life. It's all taking place for the greater good. You're not supposed to meddle in that way, because it's not your calling. Let the Masters

​Of Pain, get on with their assignments and the victims get on with "dying". Basically, I look at it like this. The victim is here to learn a lesson or undergo a change, and the psychopath is here to set this in motion. The psychopath is "paid" by the Universe with the victim's life-force, until the victim fully cuts off the bond (which may be never) and the victim is compensated through

​growth and lessons, and all of this is working towards the greater good. As one famous Pimp says "It is not your ministry" to be going around "killing" people. <-------Take ALL of that with a HUGE grain of salt please. Just something to think about though. My "Earthly" explanation is that they simply cause the damage they need to cause to get what they want from you. Like

​even in pick up, some girls just WILL NOT fuck you unless you shoot a fucking harpoon in their heart and they will hate you for not ripping it out of their chest and stepping on it while you

​laugh. This to them is what LOVE is, and since she "only has sex with guys she loves" this is the prescription. 

Personally, I think that until you get to a level in your Game where you are HAPPY with the way the DYNAMICS generally go between you and the women you catch, that you have carte

​blanche to do whatever it takes to fuck the girl barring rape and drugging them. Only in this way can you learn what the fuck you want and how you want it. It's also worth noting that you

​can't really have your cake and eat it too in this life, so you have to give SOMETHING up to have what you think you want. Like for instance, you think you want a hot ass girl who's social.

​Yet you want her ALL to yourself, all the time. You have three choices here. One is to just accept that you have to share her with her friends, the world and that you have to tailor your

​presentation to some extent, maybe even a large one, so that her friends approve of you. This means you must sacrifice individuality. The second one is you totally give up on getting that

​kind of girl, because you think it's futile and you go for more loner types. This means you must sacrifice the social and maybe even the hotness factor to some extent (at least in terms

​of what you think is hot, the "tribe" of the girl, whatever). The third is you develop some "black magick" tools, you accept that you'll have a lower hit rate in terms of retention and that

​you'll inevitably waste a lot of time through trial and error (some of which can be costly) and you simply learn how to bag social, hot girls that you think you want and you learn to 

​alienate them from their friends etc etc. The sacrifice here is in TIME and energy and in effort, by far, just to get a SUBSET of a SUBSET of girls who are probably not even the highest

​status of the girls you're after, but are still pretty hot and look impressive to most guys. Notice that the closest one to what you think you wanted required the use of "black magick" and 

​even then, it wasn't exactly what you wanted. Having your cake and eating it too doesn't exist, thats not how life works. 

​At that point it's like, what do you want? What are you in this for PRIMARILY? Like there has to be ONE good reason, and it has to be good enough to where everything you're doing is

​in perfect alignment with acheiving that PRIMARY goal.  


Joined: 01/18/2012
Got dam, nigga. This is what

Got dam, nigga.

This is what I get for being lazy. Fuck 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/03/2018
What do you mean bro? 

What do you mean bro? 


Joined: 01/18/2012
You're allowing evil nonsense

You're allowing evil nonsense back in. That's always the lazy way out. 

All because you're not recognizing and/or pursuing "good" forms of seduction. 

1. You should be able to tell a girl a story and make her want to sleep with you. Whoever she is. Fuck coercive, bullying nonsense. A woman knows what value is. She'll lick it clean

2. You should be able to touch a woman and make her want to sleep with you. Sex is healing, touch is powerful


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/03/2018
True. I mean hey I got

True. I mean hey I got stories and I’m a good storyteller. I should just dumb it down a bit. 

I have healing energy as well, perhaps I should use that intent when doing touch. 

Understand, I mean no harm. Just trying to be well rounded. 


Joined: 01/18/2012
Just curious dude.. where

Just curious dude.. where exactly are you "losing"? You're in an environment where you're coming up against... what sort of dynamic? I mean what exactly are we talking about here? Matt Lauer certainly isn't your competition. Or James Franco. 

Ballers and rappers? I haven't partied in L.A. for a few years mind you. But not even drugs are a worthy opponent to real game. Except some of that anti-psychotic medication. Then yes, that sh*t turns girls into zombies. Poor dumb ass regular girls be finding themselves on that nonsense for almost no reason. But other than that I'm not quite catching your drift. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/03/2018
Objectively, not losing

Objectively, not losing anywhere. It’s not like this “dark side of the force” shit is necessary all the time, but there are times it is, plus it’s fun. It’s better to have it than not to have it as well. Women respond to it well, sometimes better. They won’t listen to God, won’t listen to Adam, but will listen to the serpent, who was actually the Devil. I don’t see why you can’t be any of the three when you need

to be. They appreciate it. 

Also, you can’t deny it’s power in out gaming money, drugs and looks. I’m pretty much not trying to hurt anyone, just have sick Game, even if I have to crack a few eggs to make the omelette sometimes. It’s not like I’m truly aiming to hurt anyone, just willing to, just a little bit, and that’s okay.


Joined: 01/18/2012
Wtf is The "Star"? The only

Wtf is The "Star"?

The only recurring theme I could glean was the apparent act of having gained celebrity, and henceforth, to act mysterious, while also acting "cool" at the same time? 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/03/2018
Well, I missed the boat on

Well, I missed the boat on celebrity, but I definitely steal the show everywhere I go. Thats undeniable. For better or worse lol.


Joined: 01/18/2012
Superb wrote: Objectively,

Superb wrote:
Objectively, not losing anywhere. It’s not like this “dark side of the force” shit is necessary all the time, but there are times it is, plus it’s fun. It’s better to have it than not to have it as well. Women respond to it well, sometimes better. They won’t listen to God, won’t listen to Adam, but will listen to the serpent, who was actually the Devil. I don’t see why you can’t be any of the three when you need

to be. They appreciate it. 

Also, you can’t deny it’s power in out gaming money, drugs and looks. I’m pretty much not trying to hurt anyone, just have sick Game, even if I have to crack a few eggs to make the omelette sometimes. It’s not like I’m truly aiming to hurt anyone, just willing to, just a little bit, and that’s okay.

Sure to a certain degree. But how exactly are you using it? Are you trying to "neg" girls on social media to get them to respond to you? Is that the game here? Are you baiting them into wanting to meet up? And then you play the same emotional shock 'n awe game in person.. and then you go highly sexual and hopefully shock them into sucking your dick? Lol.  What big "ecosystem" angle are you going for here? 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/18/2012
Superb wrote: What keeps you

Superb wrote:
What keeps you "good" is the basic fear of abandonment and ostracisim, which spells death in our ancient brains.

PFF. What keeps you "good" is NOT fear of abandonment and ostracism. That's obnoxious and lowbrow. In all this nonsense all you're doing is backhandedly building a case for treating game and women like a sociopath. Lol. And then apparently daring me to challenge this.  

One thing you haven't pointed out, is how severely limited sociopaths are. They don't have empathy, so they don't learn very easily. They can only copy what they've seen before. Yes they don't make a lot of mistakes, but unless your game is simply just another slice of emotional manipulation, they can't fuck with you. Or at least it should be quite difficult. Otherwise what exactly are we talking about here. A rival drug gang leader? I mean yeah.. i could see him giving you problems. Lol. So why don't you just make friends with the dude? It's always lonely at the top. 

I'm just not understanding which basic problem you're attempting to address with all this pimp game / emotional manipulation talk. Do you even know what pimp game is? Have you ever heard it? Do you know how to actually employ it? It sounds to me like you just want to know how to garner attention better than the next guy sliding in her dm's. What's the real world application of all this? Where do you prowl.

I mean I've seen and written and done some of the best emotional pitfall game there is. I can be fucked up, but I'm genuine about it. And it's only 'cuz i care ;). Yeah I've said some mean shit to women; stripping them of all false pretenses, laying bare their shallow little manipulations, leaving their mouths open gaping in shock at my utter ruthlessness.

But they secretly like it. And they always taste so damn good after basking in their own guilty admirations. ;) 

But in the case of all deez "gangster" club kidz.. I just think it's another level of ingenuousness that girls see through pretty easily. But it doesn't equal meeting up with you. It certainly doesn't equate to her putting your dick in her mouth. Or her spreading her legs for you. And what lies beyond that? Is that even a factor in this?

Clearly there are better ways of keeping a girl emotionally and sexually available to you than emotionally coercing her and/or "pimping" her out. Or whatever other "dark magick" BULLSHIT you're attempting to hint at lol. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
^ very nice :)

^ very nice :)

Joined: 01/03/2018
I prowl streets, clubs and

I prowl streets, clubs and bars (Not hood ones, more or less classy ones, usually), with one or two guys that are okay at this. I also seduce in social circle situations, I pretty much am out doing this shit all the time. I prowl FB and IG, I don’t usually swipe on Tinder, I obtain the IG info from Tinders and slide in without really checking my matches. Sometimes it works. My new FB is unlikely my old one, better pics, more polarizing though but in a good way, shows a wide range of personality. I just started taking it more seriously. It’s stillin it’s infancy but it’s working somewhat, got some strong leads. 

The problem im trying to address is simply the problem that sometimes, at my current level or even higher levels, the girls just don’t resonate with the more “vanilla” (there no more magick talk lets make it sexual eh? eh? Lol) type stuff, they are hit with so much stimulus day to day they can be dead to it, so you gotta wake em up. 

DM is certainly an element im interested in but also in person. I know what Pimp Game is, I am not trying to apply real Pimp Game here to pick up lol. I mentioned that in older threads, and the reason for that is it’s not really applicable to our endeavors. It’s differeent but I take what works from it and apply. The whole “Black magick” thing is just another way of saying negativity. Women,hell, people love negativity and are attracted to it, hell they are MORE comfortable with it in many cases than positivity. I use both and am getting better at both.

So, what’s the problem I’m trying to address? Basically, apart from standing out in DM’s (frankly 80 percent of my Game is in person, whether cold approach or whatever, but this is certainly an area of interest for me) its about standing out in person. It’s a form of giving value, NOT the only form, but A form. 

Here is my final description of the “problem”:

Women are hit with so much stimulus and validation and ass kissing, likes, favors and gifts from people online that they crave other shit. I’ve had SEVERAL girls this year describe that even though they get everything they want from men, literally SLAVES, that they are empty and unsatisfied. Some even verbatim have said “Idk I just want a guy who’ll fuck me up in the head” or “I want a guy who can control me without me noticing he is” or “I like sociopaths” or “I like narcissists” or “He would cheat right in front of me but I still loved him and forgave him” or “He would bring his ex’ s in to live with us and I’d hear them fuck upstairs” and even more bizzare shit, that I personally think I should be able to get away with as well. 

In essence, the problem is one where there is a demand and I want to provide some supply, my personal emotional reasons are because it’s fun, it works and why wouldn’t I want girls who everyone fawns over to bow down to me? Come on mane. You can’t tell me that’s wrong. Why should I or anyone who takes this Game seriously be left out of that shit, levels to this shit right? 

Nobody is saying become a psychopath. You can’t. No matter what. Nor do you want to or need to but I’m just addressing the demand for the supply of pain. 


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Joined: 03/27/2013
"Women are hit with so much

"Women are hit with so much stimulus and validation and ass kissing, likes, favors and gifts from people online that they crave other shit. I’ve had SEVERAL girls this year describe that even though they get everything they want from men, literally SLAVES, that they are empty and unsatisfied. Some even verbatim have said “Idk I just want a guy who’ll fuck me up in the head” or “I want a guy who can control me without me noticing he is” or “I like sociopaths” or “I like narcissists” or “He would cheat right in front of me but I still loved him and forgave him” or “He would bring his ex’ s in to live with us and I’d hear them fuck upstairs” and even more bizzare shit, that I personally think I should be able to get away with as well."

Dude, you shouldn't be worrying about this stuff.

Of course this level of darkness exists, but it's ghetto nonsense brotha and it will eat away at you if you assume most women are at this level of desperation. If you're a good dude that is working towards intimacy and love, you will not have to deal with this bullshit. Most girls want an emotionally stimulating experience that is sexy and fun, they DO NOT want to be fucked up in the head. If you come from this place of lack then yes i'm sure you'll attract the crazy hos. You can stimulate a woman by having the ability to express yourself through your vocal skills and of course sex. Chicks aren't responding to you well enough because you don't have enough "wow factor" as Jon would say, and that has NOTHING to do with being dark. All you need to learn is how to speak better and express yourself physically. TAKE COACHING . Actually, once you find your power you can drop the manipulative tactics and resentment towards women.

Joined: 01/03/2018
I don’t deal with ghetto

I don’t deal with ghetto chicks. Almost as a rule. I’d be damned if I’m gonna kill another man over an issue with woman or have him kill me lol. 

I actually am opting out of the online coaching, I have enough money now but I’m coincidentally going to Vegas over the summer anyway and I want to take a live program with the one and only Johnny Manwhore. 


Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
I'm speaking of ghetto

I'm speaking of ghetto seduction dynamics and fucking with girls heads. It's usually the damage from the men making these chicks cray.

Joined: 01/03/2018
It’s deeper than just the men

It’s deeper than just the men doing it, it’s all kinds of shit.

Yeah, I’m not into completely mindfucking women. That’s not my job. That’s for other people to do. Like I said, it’s not my place to do that. I leave that to the pros, that’s what they’re here for. 

I just take the main components and use those when needed, only as much as needed to get laid lol. 


Joined: 01/18/2012
Superb wrote: Yeah, I’m not

Superb wrote:
Yeah, I’m not into completely mindfucking women. That’s not my job. That’s for other people to do. Like I said, it’s not my place to do that. I leave that to the pros, that’s what they’re here for. 

First of all, what the fuck? 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/03/2018
Lol, Manwhore I know my posts

Lol, Manwhore I know my posts are kind of hard to follow and it's a lot of content. It also sounds like you didn't read it all either so let me clarify with less words.

​I believe that in this world we need everyone. We need good, bad, predator, prey. 

​When I said I'm not into completely mindfucking women, I was clarifying that it's NOT my intent to completely mindfuck women using the "Dark side". I said this because it simply is NOT my place. Thats for other

​people to do. 

Thats for other people to do. I think different people are put here for different reasons. I believe there are a class of people who are here to teach us lessons. When a woman gets mindfucked by a true psychopath, she is 

​ultimately letting it happen. She isn't helpless, she's actually volunteering. I'm talking about a very specific set of circumstances here, NOT ALL. Some women are extremely attracted to these types, they love it when the hair on 

​the back of their neck stands up, in warning them that this is an evil, dangerous person, but she ignores the red flags. The psychopath makes a great show of demonstrating that he's a good guy and trustworthy and her soulmate, but really, she knows deep down there is something terribly wrong with this man. Something is off, and if she gives him any little chance at all, she's opening the door to his influence and participating in the dance. 

​The ultimate lesson in here is that she learns to be the good woman that she is to a good man. The longer is takes for her to learn this, the more in life she loses, until she self-destructs beyond repair. 

​I'm not here for that. I'm here to use SOME tools of the dark side, but come on. I get NO satisfaction from pretending to be a soulmate and then inflicting abuse on someone once they are under my spell. Thats not my place.

​At all. Certain elements of that are cool, but I don't go DEEP into the mindfucking, and I have the resources to do it, should I want to. I get no satisfaction from such games, although it is Game and I respect Game in all it's 

​forms, but it's not my ministry, it's not my place to interfere with Nature.

​If it was truly my place to be such a person, I would have already done it. It's not that hard, but it's just not satisfying. Find a very empathic woman who is codependent and construct a fairy tale for her, and then emotionally and financially drain her and then discard her. Rinse and repeat. Thats not very exciting for me. It's not even challenging. It's actually annoying. 

​I just want sick Game man. Thats all. Not to hurt anyone. I figured I was lacking in some dark side technology so I went out of my way to learn it on my own. I just want a complete tool belt lol. I've gone as far as to learn

​metaphysics and astrally project into women to understand this shit man. I put myself in very dangerous situations at times to push the limits of what I can learn and do. I put my life on the line for this Game man. 


Joined: 01/18/2012
So essentially you're amoral 

So essentially you're amoral 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/03/2018
Not true. I have values and

Not true. I have values and morals. It’s just not mainstream morals. I believe that certain things have to happen, sometimes things that’s seem really bad on the surface, but that’s everything is working for the greater good at the end of the day. 
