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Pickup Coaching
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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
So went out tonight for a couple hours. Hit up some bars downtown... which were actually surprisingly decent. Like there were more people than I expected for a Sunday night

Anyway- just to prefice this, I've been doing a 30 day sober/solo challenge for a variety of reasons, so this is actually new to me- like going to a bar completely sober and alone and doing cold approach.

I still have some approach anxiety but I have quickly realized that the best way to get over that is to... approach lmao.

some solid notes from the night: I approached the hottest girl there. It was pretty weak, not gonna lie, but I had solid eye contact lol I was literally expecting her to not tell me her name so when she did tell me I literally was like, "Wait, what?" then she quickly told me she was going downstairs

Uhmm so then I ordered a water and a pbr at the bar... just cause when it's not busy I don't wanna get called out for not ordering anything and I chill for maybe like 3-4 minutes and then this girl comes over and meets her friend who is like right in front of me to the right and then she looks at me and then starts dancing all sudductively so like obviously I kinda figured she was doing it for me. So I grab her hand and pull her off the dance floor and I'm like, "What's up" lol my openers are pretty gay but they also are pretty cool cause like... it's just me.

Okay- just want to put this out there... I'm still at a point when I'm sober and alone that I'm like literally shitting bricks haha. The cool thing is that I am beginning to approach and just plow through it. The first night I went out I literally did like one approach, got yelled at super hard, like INTENSE blowout and then went to a different bar and bounced home... lol that was the first night, so after that I was like, fuck this, every night I'm going to do one additional approach... I know it doesn't sound like a lot and it's pretty basic and shit but I've been using alcohol as a major crutch, so for me this is good. And on top of that, I've stuck to that promise to myself and just think about it- in one month, I'll be approaching 30 girls a night! So laugh now, while you still can ; )

Also- I am starting manwhore training in a week, so yeah, there's that.

Anyway- back to the girl.. so, I'm shitting a brick and I pull her off the dance floor and I'm like, "What's up" and literally like my legs are fucking shaking haha... I sound gay but it's the truth and hell, I didn't let it stop me from doin shit... and so I'm sitting there literally shaking, but despite that I'm still able to keep really fucking amazing eye contact, which is the weird part- like inside I'm shitting a brick and parts are me are shaking and I can't control it, but the shit like eye contact, that I can control, I do a pretty solid job of controlling.

Anyway- she opens right up, starts asking me tons of chode questions and I'm still shaking haha... all of a sudden I'm just standing there answering her questions, making sure to sorta stand as tall as I can and keep solid posture and whatnot... and like I'm a pretty tall dude so at one point she starts like grabbing the back of my neck to pull me in closer to talk and stuff..

Oh yeah- before all of this, at first she was like, "I have to go get a drink" and I was just like, "uh, okay" and then she kinda like lingered on me with her eye contact and then slowly walked away and in my head I was like, "Hmm I think I know what to do here" and so I grabbed her and pulled her back and I was like, "What's up- why'd you look at me all funny".. (Idk if that's what I was supposed to SAY but I knew at the very least that I was supposed to pull her back).. and I'm smiling and shit and she's like, "whaaaaaat" kinda sheepishly (or it was something like that) and we keep talking for a bit and then at one point she mentions again, "I have to go get a drink" and I'm like, "Okay" and then she just stands there and then is like, "Well, you don't have to buy it for me, I just have to go get a drink" and I'm just like, "Okay" hahaha I literally in my head was just like, "Dude, she's totally trying to girl code you to do something... But... but... but... I dont speak girl code..." lmao.

So I kinda laugh and I grab her hand and I'm like okay, little missy, I'll hold your hand and walk you to the bar" but I said it in the tone of like a mom talking to her kid and she got the joke and started laughing and kept holding my hand... then I'm like, "what do you drink?" and she's like, "I'm getting a corona" and I'm like, "Oh really?" and she's like, "what.... what SHOULD I get, what do you drink?" and I look at her and I'm like, "uhh, actually, I don't drink" (felt pretty badass saying this, now that I'm actually NOT drinking) and I'm like, "Yeah, corona tastes like complete but it's like drinking a skunk but yeah, I bought a pbr so I don't get shit from the bartender" and I tell her she can just have that... so I go over, grab it and give it to her- problem solved.

She also must have sorta trusted me at this point- that or I could be a really awesome ruffier

So then we keep talking and she asks what I do and at first I just tell her I rock out (Fuck.. super lame but I was nervous and was just saying the first shit that would come into my head) but she laughed anyway and was like, "No, really, what do you do?" and I'm like, "I'm a mechanical pencil repairman"

Okay- so not having alcohol has def. made me a lot more miscalibrated in the short term... like I said this and I thought I was smiling but like... she totally believed me LMFAO... I thought this was hilarious... like she's all, "Oh okay" and I'm like, "Yeah, I repair mechanical pencils" and she's like, "That's awesome, I'm a publicist" and I'm like, "Dude you should totally be the publicist for my mechanical puencil repair business" and she's ilke, "Yeah! give me your business card" and I'm like dying of laughter at this point cause I'm kinda just trolling this girl but like I didn't intend for it to be a troll at first, but when she didn't get it I was like, ooo well this will be fun. So I'm like, "Oh.. I don't have any business cards" and she's like, "Oh damn, that would be awesome though"... I'm like, "Yeah" and then just give her a good ol' fashioned stare down (okay so I just want to say that at no point during this conversation did I stop shaking- I'm such a pussy.. but seriously guys, I'm going to get really good at this... SOBER.. and yall are gonna be like... the fuck? This dudes doin crazy shit) Like I can already see how much better I will be sober than I ever was when I drank... like everything is so much sharper, and I'm a pretty smart dude (Lumosity anyone?) so like this is gonna be awesome...

So I give her eye contact and don't say anything and she's looking back up at me and I grab her and pull her to the dance floor and she immediately tries to put her ass on my cock and I'm like, not yet girl, I gotta get to know you first (didn't actually say this) but I give her a little spin and pull her in and then grab right above her ass (totally should have just grabbed her ass... fuck) and we start grinding (lol I literally don't think I've EVER grinded a girl sober... like even in hs I would drink before dances with my buddies) I don't think yall understand just how much alcohol has been a crutch for me... like I've been using the shit since hs lmao... but this is kinda awesome cause you just kinda feel like a boss cause like, it's all you... it's just you putting you out there and seeing what happens

We dance a little and then I pull her off the floor and start talkign to her about some shit... I forget what it was.. but it was probably something really lame cause like I was just saying whatever came to my head.. literally.. I was too nervous to do anything else and i knew that if I stopped to think about anything I was gonna get in my head.. so I didn't... but I was still making sure to keep my voice relatively slow and shit... I just wasn't allowing myself to think. I was tryna sorta meditate.. but it's def. not the same in a club lmao.

So we talk for a bit and then some like SUPER SUPER jacked dude comes over and starts whispering in her ear and as he's doing this I grab her waist, pull her in and I'm like, "Do you know this guy" and she's like, "Yeah, I came with him" and in my head I'm like, "Oh..." so he steps back and I introduce myself to him and he tries to ignore me but she looks at him and is like, "He wants to introduce himself to you" so he introduces himself back but then just like leaves... I was slightly confused... but fair enough

But then she's like, "Okay I have to go" and she starts to leave and I pull her back and I'm like, "Hey I gotta leave in like 3 minutes so let me get your number".. grab the # and she lingers for a bit and looking back I totally could have plowed and kept her around but honestly my heart was racing hahaha

It's hilarious cause all of this is like soooo basic when I was drinking but literally after I got her number I was just SO fucking PUMPED lmao, like seriously. I was like a little kid who just scored his first goal in soccer, I was like, "Hell yeah, I got... I got.. A NUMBER" and then I left the venue and went home. hahaha idk this made me laugh at myself.

It's cool though, I told myself I didn't care how much my results went down when I stopped drinking, that I was going to do this and get good at it the RIGHT way, the way that is sustainable and will allow me to balance everything in my life... And I can already sense that this is going to be tough but that I am going to get good at this...

lol another thing I was laughing about was like how attracted she was getting to me, despite the fact that I was literally shaking haha, like in my head I was all, "Wait... this isn't how this is supposed to work"... aren't my emotions supposed to be projecting onto her... but wtvr, I mean even though I was nervous, I was still having a good time and laughing, mainly at my incredible trolling job... but still..

My first sober #... OOOOO YEAHHHH... it's been like 2 or 3 nights so wtvr, it is what it is. Maybe by the end of this challenge I'll get a makeout! haha I'm kidding.. well I mean, sorta.. I mean, I better have at least one makeout by the end of this lmfao.. if I dno't I'll be pretty confused... I bet I'll have one really fucking soon actually.. but if I don't that's cool, I got time. And then... sober sex? ooo but now we're getting ahead of ourselves (If you can't tell, I'm def. making fun of myself right now)

Who else is goin to AA tomorrow? lmao, jokes

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight

Holy shit- I just realized how good I'm going to get at this with the manwhore training.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 04/20/2012
Re: Tonight
Ohh dude! Thats going to help your game soo damn much. And as gay as it sounds tylers thread "natural buzzes for pimp game extreme" is pretty awesome. I've tried the dark chocolate and green tea shit and it really does give you a sweet, clean buzz. Give it a try. And when you get the sober thing down when you just have like a pint or two it just gives you a little bit of inhibition and euphoria which is also a great place to be when pimping. I've stopped drinking so much during the week so when I do have a drink or two before going out its more like a clean buzz instead of slogging down hard stuff in the parking lot to get messed up before hitting a club.

Anyways your FR's are pretty fun to read, its like you put the perfect amount of detail to know what you both were thinking when shit when down. I've had it to where my legs where shaking, its annoying as fuck but she probably didn't pick up on it just because you were so chill otherwise. Like if you were still able to stare her down like a badass and be physical with her then she won't know your nervous on the inside. I think you did good with that "girl code" she was giving you. I think either she just wanted a drink to hold so she has an excuse or was trying to see if you'd get her one. Either way you did boss by pulling her back in. Shit like that is super smooth.

The weirdest part for me when I don't drink is approaching set after set after set. When I drink I just run around the club, dancing by myself, grabbing random chicks and licking their faces. When I don't drink I think WAYY too much when approaching a set. Not like getting in my head but I wait for the perfect approach. And if I find a chill group or something, I end up chilling when them for a while.. I get relaxed and social and usually just kinda meditate until a girl walks by and gives me eye contact, then I pull them in. It helps with that weird energy knee shaking shit I find. But maybe hitting it up would work better for you, just when I try it sober I think the girls know I'm not doing it for me and can see my outcome dependence or something cause it never works.
Sick-Cunt's picture
Joined: 04/05/2012
Re: Tonight

I know that feel with the approach anxiety and shit. Me and my buddy used to go out like 5x a week (but 4 of these was on a weekday so we would walk the streets in hopes to find girls to approach) and we would rarely ever actually approach lol. I did shit like "babystepping" by telling EVERYONE good night but I doubt that really helped lmao. At the end of like lets say 30 times going out, about 5 approaches were done (actually I think he never approached any, only once in a 2 set with me). And this guy is my "natural" friend lol, but I guess its because all he does is social circle game.

So we don't go out that much now (only once on the weekend) since the crime here got bad and we got assaulted lmao (he don't get permission to walk around the streets eventhough I was the one that got the most "hurt" from it). And also the "bars" and "parties" (usually small and same people) suck for cold approach.

And like we don't drink at all. Me and my closest friends (about 3 of us lol) are pretty much the only highschool kids that don't drink (idk if you call it highschool kids if we graduated, the guy that usually goes "approaching" with me is 1 year older). But these are cool guys, and I'm a cool guy, so it don't matter. Most girls are always like 'woww thats so cool' when they hear we don't drink.

But then at parties once I get "in-state" its like I am drunk and can do anything. People drink to sort of get "in state" I guess but we are trying to do all this completely sober. Most people ask if I'm drunk when I'm in-state because its just like complete expression mode and not-give-a-fuck-ness. Thing is idk how to consistently get into state, it just happens.

Like last week I went out with some new friends (these guys go to bars pretty much every week, its a mixed group) and I was like the most shy person ever. Like the entire night (several hours) I spoke probably less than 50 words. Eventhough I recognized that I was like this I couldn't do anythng about it and did 0 approaches and hardly even talked to people in the group. Was just like a spectator. But also I notice that always girls will like me lol, like even when I'm like this and doing nothing or when I'm "in state" and taking control of the venue girls are always attracted to me.

So then this saturday that just passed I was at a party and just completely in-state. This is one of the first nights I had where I had absolutely no regrets. I did not hesitate to do anything and I just completely expressed myself and had fun. Approached girls I knew, some new girls and even scary as fuck looking guys (no homo). I was like overwhelming the venue and just going around having fun and self amusing myself. I'm trying to figure out how to consistently be "in state" when I go out that way I can make the most of the night.

"These girls aren't going to harass themselves" - Some Cunt

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight
icewahine;740.5577;76 wrote:
so when I do have a drink or two before going out its more like a clean buzz instead of slogging down hard stuff in the parking lot to get messed up before hitting a club.

Yeah man, this is where I've been for a bit but I don't want ANY crutch. Like ZERO. Also- I'm eating really fucking healthy and so even having like 2 pints of beer would just be stupid. Tons of carbs//calories for no reason.. and it's just like for me, I have to understand that it's just ME doing this, without any help. It's the only way that I'll develop the really intense core confidence that I know I will have in the future.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight
icewahine;740.5577;76 wrote:
The weirdest part for me when I don't drink is approaching set after set after set. When I drink I just run around the club, dancing by myself, grabbing random chicks and licking their faces. When I don't drink I think WAYY too much when approaching a set. Not like getting in my head but I wait for the perfect approach. And if I find a chill group or something, I end up chilling when them for a while.. I get relaxed and social and usually just kinda meditate until a girl walks by and gives me eye contact, then I pull them in. It helps with that weird energy knee shaking shit I find. But maybe hitting it up would work better for you, just when I try it sober I think the girls know I'm not doing it for me and can see my outcome dependence or something cause it never works

Dude- this is so money. When I'm drunk, that's exactly what it is. Just running around the club, licking girls faces lmao...

And yeah, that whole thing about chiln out when your sober is pretty accurate for where I'm at BUT soon, like towards the end of the month, I'll be hitting it up HARD because I made a promise to myself to approach an additional girl every night. Like one of my goals right now is just to completely break through any and all of this approach anxiety, so the only way to do that is to walk STRAIGHT THROUGH the fucking fire and continually come out of it without burning up. haha and yeah, I know what you mean about waiting for "the perfect approach".. but I'm sure when I get to the point where I have to be approaching 20 or so girls a night becuase of my promise, this roadblock will dissapear, if for no other reason than that I will have no other choice. 20 approaches is a lot at most bars lmao!

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight
Sick-Cunt;740.5578;50 wrote:
@buddhagames:I know that feel with the approach anxiety and shit. Me and my buddy used to go out like 5x a week (but 4 of these was on a weekday so we would walk the streets in hopes to find girls to approach) and we would rarely ever actually approach lol. I did shit like "babystepping" by telling EVERYONE good night but I doubt that really helped lmao. At the end of like lets say 30 times going out, about 5 approaches were done (actually I think he never approached any, only once in a 2 set with me). And this guy is my "natural" friend lol, but I guess its because all he does is social circle game.

Yeah man, I know tyler and most dating coaches talk about that stuff about, "Getting leverage on yourself" and I think that one of the main ways that I've heard them talk about doing that is by reaching a point where you're just so fucking fed up with your current life circumstances that you have no other choice than to start approaching and doing all that stuff.

But what if your life isn't that bad? What if you have a pretty decent social circle and could just have a couple shots, maybe a beer and have a fucking BLAST at night? What if you're a pretty normal dude in most respects and that "emotional" leverage will just never come?

Well what I've found is that an EXTREMELY STRONG committment to your values and what you stand for can provide this exact same type of "leverage". If you know who and what you want to be and what you want to accomplish in life and have a firm grasp of your own, personal, values and boundaries, it becomes easy to get leverage on yourself because you have just such an incredibly firm spot within yourself and what you stand for and you care DEEPLY about that stuff.

Like for me, the only thing keeping me from drinking and pushing me to approach is this "leverage" that I have over myself, which is entirely based around an incredibly firm grounding in my own values and understanding of who I want to be.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight
@buddhagames - lol my legs shake too sometimes when sober. Props on the solo/sober challenge. Done sober, just not solo.
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight

Yup. I just gotta strip every crutch away, fall to the ground and build everything back up. Only way.

I've done it before in other areas of my life and come back stronger than ever before... so I know where this path leads as long as I stick to it.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 06/05/2012
Re: Tonight
Hey nice write up. Several things in there that were good but man I really don't think there's anything wrong with drinking! I had a solid pull and lay on saturday at a bar. Met the girl around 12, had my pink ding dong penis in her by 3am. I guess you could go full sober, but I always try to have at least 2-3 drinks when I'm out simply because I don't want to be sober when I'm hooking up with a girl that's drinking. I would rather be on the 'same level' as her if that makes any sense (obviously not drunk though and still able to fuck). I really think people's minds change to a completely different state when they're drinking and it's really hard to relate well and flow with a girl if you're sober and she's not. If the girl is sober, then yea stop drinking lol. But I'll go drink for drink with a girl if she's drinking. The best part of saturday night was that I had this other guy with no game buying all of us drinks lols. So yea personally I like to have a few drinks to keep a solid buzz, but I don't like getting drunk as it really fucks things up lol.

Also I would like to give a shout out to Manwhore's skype training. I've been doing it with him for the past couple of weeks and everything overall is better. Specifics: I'm handling my emotions much better, I just recently realized I have co-dependency issues which is what I find to be pretty damn common among us guys failing in relationships/women in general. Look up co-dependency and learn about it if you don't know what it is. So the Manwhore training has helped me IMMENSELY squash my co-dependency issues. Learning to be PHYSICAL was a big change as well. I would say that 90% of the reason why I pulled this girl so flawlessly was because from the get go, I put my arm around her and aggressively pulled her in, I guess this is the 'claw' grip or whatever, I didn't pussy style put my hand on her slowly and 'kino' like a wimp - no, I grabbed her, pulled her in, I would put my hand up the back of her head and grab her hair a bit from time to time, I'd mess her hair up a little bit, all while talking to her and her friend and just up'd the amount of hugging, grabbing as the night went on, danced a bit as well, moved her to another bar, we were making out within 20 minutes, took her and her friend and the guy back to my apartment, we went out on my balcony with a blanket and chilled on the fouton and I have a 100% close rate when I'm on the balcony with a girl so all around a solid night lol, and the girl has been texting me ever since, just got a text about 15 minutes ago lol so I know she had a good time. Oh yea and she gave me head on the balcony lol 'Give him a kiss' I said. Manwhore = win.

tldr: get Manwhore's skype training if you want to pull a one night stand in 2 weeks and squash your emotional bullshit.

"Why do faggots always got to kiss the girl?"

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight

Awesome, I'm pumepd to hear about someone else doing the training. Just made my first payment today. Starting really soon, good shit man.

About the drinking stuff- I understand that a couple beers is okay, but it's a choice I made for a variety of reasons and I'm sticking to it. But for sure, dude. lmao, It's not like i look down on drinking or even drugs for that matter, it's just all stuff I don't want to do right now.

Also- let's say I drink 3 beers a night, and i go out 7 nights a week for 30 days straight. 4 bucks a drink (being conservative here.. it is ny after all)... Dude, that's 360 dollars that I don't actually have to spend... that's ALMOST the entierty of my manwhore training... so, basically me not drinking is paying for my manwhore training. I just graduated from college so money is still super tight.

Any feedback on my report would also be cool.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 06/05/2012
Re: Tonight
Ah yea if you're going out every day then shit will add up. I'm lucky to make it out 3 times per week. I'm usually just a friday and saturday guy with my office job mon-fri so I really can't party hard during the week (but I do occasionally....).

As for your write-up I would say you need to be physical. Getting physical quick shows you're not nervous and have balls, it shows you're comfortable, shows you're fun, etc. I actually met a super natural that night and he was doing the SAME SHIT to all the girls, but much better than me, plus he was fat and bald but still had every girl glassy eyed and smiling. Hes grabbing girls by the wrist as they walk by, doing the claw grip on every girl he saw that he knew, etc. and I think when other girls see you being social and physical with girls, they must think you're an all around cool as shit dude. So yea that's one of the big things I'm doing lately is whenever I see a girl I know, I am physical with them as well and they all love it lol, they're always like 'woa Jeff what happened to you??' hahahaha and they're saying it in a positive way ;) But also with girls that you just meet, you can kind of gauge it like Manwhore says, some girls you know you can go right in and start touching whereas others you got to get a bit more comfortable. The girl I met clicked with me right away, I said Hi and she lit up so I just brought her in lol and she was on me for the rest of the night and her friend who was hot AND visiting from 4 hours away (ie she is out to hook up) was jealous as shit.

Yea I see you pulled this girl back to you a few times and you'd have those moments where you are just staring at each other. In my opinion, next time you should grab her back to you but pull her all the way in for a hug and maybe say something like 'I am really sad that you're going for a drink, I am going to miss you so much!' while hugging her or something I don't know your brain will think of something in the moment.

Funny thing about number closing though, the past like 5 one night stands I've had in the past year I never number closed until the morning when they're leaving lol I'm just like 'hey give me your number so we can chill again' and I did that same thing with my hookup on saturday. We're going to meet up this week some time. So yea nothing wrong with getting the number but I'm just saying that I do not stress on it at all, in fact I don't think I'd number close unless she really wanted my number.

Which wow I just remembered lol, on Friday night I had a cute cute girl number close me with this exact line 'Ok let me get your number so I can talk to you about marketing some time' lol we've been texting back and forth, marketing hasn't popped up once and she wants to meet up this week. So maybe I'm not big on number closing as I should be, but if you get the number that can't hurt you either. Simple text game can get a girl meeting up with you on a weekend when you're out and about.

"Why do faggots always got to kiss the girl?"

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight

love the feedback dude.

Especially, I think the advise about pulling her back and going for some kind of a hug is super solid... I think what I could have done is pulled her back, given her a big hug and then pushed her back a little- give eye contact and be like, "Okay, I'll hold your hand and walk you to the bar" but that huge stuff is solid.

I felt like with this girl, your right, I could have gotten much more physical, much sooner... the dance stuff and pulling her back was sorta "light" physical shit but I think what you're talking about is solid.

The # close was only because she was leaving and I didn't want to completely lose the set. Figured a number close was better than nothing. But yeah, I actually tend to get numbers like pretty quickly just because it's a nice solid backup plan in case sometihng goes wrong.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Tonight
One of my virgins got laid day before yesterday. Working on one more ;)

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Tonight

Dude im a sober cold approach virgin... That counts right?

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."