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Joined: 04/20/2012
She is working out of town, visits here in a few weeks then is back for good in a few months. She is a friend of a friend who has come out with us to the bar a few times. I didn't do anything cause a friend was trying to wheel her but he effed up so I asked if he's done with her. He said yes :) so while she was away I was rubbing in her face that I went to an awesome concert anndddd:

Her: Were other ppl performing?
Me: Yeah it was soo gewwd! So many ppl too. There were others performing but that's all I saw. This summa is going to be soo bussay already with concerts! Get back here!
Her: Ughhh!! Wanna wake stock it up?? Eh? Eh? Ill be back mid aug. Ill come to all concerts. With you. And hold hands.
Me: whoa whoa whoa slow down there
Me: wake stock is a big step
Her: I'm an all in girl. I want all of you or nothing
Me: baby steps girl
Her: marriage. Now.
Me: If by marriage you mean harem then of course
Her: as innnnnn middle eastern harem?
Me: Yeah. Or a stable if you prefer
Her: ahahahahahhahaha
Her: What happened to good ol fashioned marriage and polygamy
Her: Monogamy *
Her: Damn
Me: What is this? 1956?? I'm all for monogamy but you gotta try before you buy
Her: No test drives allowed
Her: Zero clicks on this baby until its bought
Me: Hahaha and then the day it's driven off the lot numerous long distance trips with mostly highway miles
Her: Autobahn style
Me: Atta girl. But in all seriousness purchasing a lemon is devastating. Marriage poison
Her: Men are lemons more so I'd say
Me: Are we still talking being a lemon in "hand holding" or in general?
Me: And by hand I mean gentials
Her: Ahahahahahaha
Me: Smart, just laugh it off if it's too awkward to say haha
Her: I wasn't finished!
Her: I've been told I'm a pro in the genital holding department
Me: I'll be the judge of that. But so someone has had a test drive! I knew it. It's okay you gotta know that stuff before you tie the knot
Her: Ahahahaaha. Totally kidding.
Her: But I like to think I'd be good at it
Her: Lol oh god
Me: Haha I'm sure you will be, comes instinctively to kewl kids
Me: Besides I test driving my own car 15 times a day, it's not too difficult
Her: Strong wrists I'm sure
Her: Ahahahaahhahaha test driving ur own car
Her: Good for u
Me: Haha I make myself lol... I also try to beat my fastest time every race
Her: ahahahahahhahaha omg
Her: That's so wrong
Her:But amazing
Her: Beating the meat
Me: Hahahahah frig I just noticed i said beat, pun not intended!

^^^^^^this was a few weeks ago. Maybe 2-3?? Pretty solid but I didn't stay with the sexual tension. I was just texting whatever came to me at the time but after rereading it, it was like I was a chick making a way out in case she things I'm a slut or something (which is what she was doing too haha). But overall pretty damn funny and we have lots of images of us talking about sex. Good. She also framed herself as a virgin?? Did I get that right? I'm almost positive she's not, I think that was just a little roleplay.

And a few days after she tagged me in a Facebook pic of Barney from himym with a funny anti marriage quote.

Me: Your timing is impeccable. One of my bffs got engaged this week and I've become 10% more awesome since
Her: Ahahahahahaha
Her: My stalking senses kicked in. I knew u needed that
Her: Friggen engagements need to die
Her: Who's ur bff
Me: agreed! This one is exempt cause itll be a sweet wedding. It's Xxxxx xxxxxx
Her: Omg love those. Weddings that ur actually excited for. So rare these days
Me: either weddings are suuuppper boring or really fun. Much like people.. Or anything else
Her: Agreed. I hate attending ones when I'm really not happy for the couple. Like horny 18 year old weddings
Her: Gay
Me: But horny 23 year olds are cool?
Her: Yes I love myself
Her: Are u a 1988 baby too?!
Me: Hahaha are you 23? Holllllyy smokes Old lady I'm barely 22
Her: Friggggggggggg
Her: Rude!
Her: :'(
Me: Not a bad thing! You can be head of the harem
Her: I'd run that shiat regardless. Do you know who I am?
Me: I like your confidence but you really think you can take on all my concubines? I mean the skinny hot ones sure but there are a few hefty ones in there too
Her: Bro. Do u know who I am?
Her: I can take on any broad
Her: Naked
Her: How's ur long weekend going
Me: It's going only... Okay... No nude ky wrestling matches in a pool but I did see some priests wrestle some followers under the water at wasaga beach today
Her: Hahahahaaha
Her: Ur doing that course this weekend?
Me: Cyeah... Unfortunately I had two weddings and a show on thurs... Def skipped my friday class and the sat wedding
Her: Come to my class on the 20th! I'm coming down for it. With *mutal friend who I would also fuck*.
Me: I think I might have to, I'm busy the next two fridays
Her: Yippee. Ill save u a seat
Me: Any chance I can score a lunch?
Her: Hahaha yes. Ill make u lunch
Me: Yessss!!!!! Nothing too heavy or else I'll be napping in the afternoon. And also a small snack to keep me busy during the session. Thankkkkkk youuuu!!!!
Her: Woah. So demanding. I'm on it
Me: So just for friday?
Me: :) yeah just Friday. I had a wedding on fri. Which also Ruined me for sat
Her: So ur coming to sat too or what?
Me: Nopey dopey. I already ate up what the were teaching that day. I just meant I was half asleep though the whole thing haha
Her: Ahahaha I love eating and sleeping at the same time. Two birds with one stone.
Me: Hahah we should rob a hospital for IVs and then itd be so much easier to eat and sleep
Her: Omg. My dream. I wanna eat through a tube.

This second part of this happened over the course of 4-5 days. Sometimes we will reply instantly other times we take turns taking 12 hours to reply or whatever. Her last text was this morning. Not too sure where to bring this now. I will get the meet up if I don't fuck things up during the next 15 days. And from there it'll be easy.. Just gotta text her every once in a while to get it going. Any ideas for that last text? Ohhhh and especially what I could've done better. Keep in mind she's out of town so I can't go for the meetup for another 2 weeks
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Out of town hottie
Yo man. This is like.. wrong in so many ways. It's like having a witty conversation about death and destruction. If killing babies was somehow funny, it would have been included in this conversation. That first half of the text was just.. FUCKED. You introduced the worst case of asd in the history of the planet. Somehow this girl is quirky enough to roll with it though it blows my mind.

Do you not like this girl much?

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 04/20/2012
Re: Out of town hottie
Lol shieeettt nigga

Where did I introduce the asd??

This chick is in my social circle.. I was talking to a friend of mine about the cold water showers weve started taking with her present and he said the hardest part was gettin in. I said I found the hardest part trying to do a handstand to bidet myself with the ice cold water.. Those are the type of jokes I make with my friends and killing babies isn't excluded from the comedy.

I really don't know where I fucked up and am still pretty confident I can motorboat her upon her return. You think I'm going to get hit with some LMR and asd when she comes back before I come on her back???
Sick-Cunt's picture
Joined: 04/05/2012
Re: Out of town hottie

Pretty sure the anti slut defense he is talking about is the whole marriage thing and "testing before you buy".

"These girls aren't going to harass themselves" - Some Cunt