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How do you guys stumble in to outside projects?

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Joined: 01/31/2012
Before I learned pimping my main focuses were making money online and video games. Soon after I started getting results I pushed everything that didn't have a direct affect on my pimping ability away. This has kind of sent my life into a spot I'm not really happy with (although game has made my life 1000 times easier). I no longer play video games and I stopped the online shit a while ago. Girls just aren't enough to keep my life full right now. I can't go out as often as I'd like so as a result I think its time to reboot some old productive habits.

It seems like a lot of guys on here have a ton of awesome shit/projects going on separate from or even tied in with getting chicks. What are some actions I can take to find different things to do and actually roll with them? How did you guys decide what new things to take on?

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: How do you guys stumble in to outside projects?
There's a few things that are good for ALL kinds of projects. E.g. getting into the basics of web development and monetization.. you can go in ANY direction with that and apply it to ANY business. Would start there. You could not fail with that.

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Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: How do you guys stumble in to outside projects?
@nerdsaver: Sweet I've already gotten a bunch of basics down because computers were my passion when I was younger but its been a few years. Anything new I should look into / resources I should be checking out?
Joined: 06/15/2012
Re: How do you guys stumble in to outside projects?

In terms of that, EVERYTHING comes back to the core fundamentals of salesmanship. When it comes to business skills, online or offline... everything circles back to copywriting, marketing, sales.

Most stuff you'll find online about "driving traffic" or really any type of "make money online" stuff will lead you on a wild goose chase. Get the classic books. Everything people do online today is based on what people did in direct mail in the early 1900s. Some good books to get you started, you can find these on Amazon:

My Life In Advertising/Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins (this one comes as two books in one)
Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples
Influence, The Psychology Of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

My favorite book is "Kickass Copywriting Secrets Of A Marketing Rebel" by John Carlton, but it's a bit more expensive. Not exactly a $10 book on amazon. ( - it's $99... it used to be about $300 a few years ago)

... etc, I have tons more recommendations if you're interested.

Finally, here's possibly one of the most valuable resources on the internet. You should read every issue on this site:

Hmm. I have basically seen IT ALL when it comes to online/offline/direct marketing. Like, let me know what you want to do and I can point you in the right direction. With that said, what I mentioned above is pretty much required reading for everyone who wants to have anything to do with selling stuff.
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: How do you guys stumble in to outside projects?
@linus: Yea dude. Way interested. Pm me?