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HILARIOUS fuck up of a meetup - Had her driving around town looking for me. Full text up to the "meet-up"

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Her: Hey look, it's Godzilla penis <--put a note in her phone saying godzilla penis...I can't lie to girls. :D
Me: picture of sushi(was out at a restaurant) Breathed fire on all the Japanese girls. Currently eating Tokyo.
Her: Lmfao ew sushii
Me: I'm going to tie you to the bed and feed you sushi <--bit direct but I wanted to set the vibe early
Her: Ahh that's a nightmare lmaoo <--Never got back to this...I have a fucking CRAZY adventure with two other girls n some wine.

Next day

Me: Well, no nightmare. Did dream of dinosaurs tho.
Her: That's pretty sweet, I'm kinda jealous haha
Me: How's ur day going muffinbottom, crusin through training this week <--I start to bring it back to reality here
Her: It's going fantastic lmao how's your day! What do you mean crusin through training?
Me: Rocking it on 3 hours of sleep. Crazy wine adventure last nite.
Her: Oh man, sounds like my weekend haha. Wine is the best though!
Me: Does terrible things to me. Puts me in the mood for sex. ;)
Her: Hahaha uh oh, your gonna get yourself in trouble ;p
Me: I kno, I might scrape my knee at volleyball tn
Me: Bring a rugrats bandage!
Her: You're a volleyball player eh! Is that what you mean by training?
Her: Omg I remember those! Cutest things ever.
Me: No, learning cool new stuff at work. I spike harder than reptar.
Me: You can be my cheer leader. You like the beach rite.
Her: Ahh oh! And yeah I bet, got mad jumps don't you ;)
Her: I love the beach, who does't!
Her; You should come hangout tonight! <-- 3 hours later
Me: My mom says I'm the best jumper on the block ;p <--4 hours later I was out having serious chats with kangaroo girl and later banged her twice. Gawd damn this girl is good in bed dude.
Me: lil late let's chill tmmr. I'll bring the beer, you bring the ice cream.
Her: Lmao yeah almighty then, ice cream it is ;)

The next day:
Her: Hello m8!
Me: GIRL! You better pick some good ice cream! I'd hate to have to start out by putting you on timeout!!
Her: BOY! good ice cream to me is some dairy queen stuff! ;)
Her: Btw which one is you on Facebook! Me and Tasha were trying to find you haha <--3 hours later
Me: The hot one. Let's kick it off at tj's. Maybe adventure after. 9:30 work.
Her: You work at 9:30 tonight? Lmao or tomorrow morning
Her: And it would be me and Tasha that came to tj's you should invite Alessandro ahahha
Me: Hmm? You've never been out with a boy before. It's ok I don't bite. :p
Her: No, it's cause I'm with her already lmfao we could all go! I don't wanna ditch. :( or me and you can hang out tomorrow night! Deal? (Tomorrow night is for beasting no chance)
Me: Naw, I understand. I don't like ditching either.
Me: Bring her to slaintees for 9:30. Ales mite drop by. (This is the closest spot to Ales house so I can pull them back there and fuck her. No logistics otherwise)
Me: Dress hot so we match
Her: Hmmmmm, we should go to Boston Pizza ;) It's karaoke night lmao! <--Fun but no logistics for the fuck
Me: Awwww I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to hear you sing to me either. Slaintee's is the spot tho.
Her: You don't wanna hear me sing trust me haha I know but um we look too slack for slaintees hhaha
Me: Lol what's with all the objections? You banned for causing trouble in Slaintees. ;p
Her: Haha. no way, me? Trouble? ;p I'll talk to her and see if I can change her mind ;) she doesn't feel like going to a bar
Her: Who's all going to slaintees?
Me: Me n Ales are going, you two can tag along if ya bring candy.
Her: Hahah omg is that the Italian dude!
Me: Yes ;)
Her: Omg that guys jokkkess!
Her: Tasha said come to turtle jacks haha

I call her here. Tell her Ales and I are AT Slaintees and having the time of our life. Really I'm sitting at home and am getting ready to go to bed. Lack of sleep is killing me. She makes plans with me to hang out on Monday. Cool! Then I get this 10 minutes later.

Her: Now Tasha wants to go to Slainteessss lamo <--I don't respond to this as I have no plans to talk to these girls about plans tn anymore and don't believe she's serious

40 minutes later she phones me. I don't pick up. Call her back 5 minutes later. Tell her we left to go to Ales' place. She says they've been driving around for an hour looking for Slaintees. (It's an Irish pub hidden in an alley) I change my mind on going to bed. She says they're at Timmys. I say fuck that meet us at Slaintee's for drinks, it was bumpin and the live band is awesome. She doesn't want to go looking again and tells us to meet them at TImmy's. I naturally give her perfect directions. My final mistake lol.

I lose my wallet and go to pick Alessandro up at 10:55...supposed to be there at 11:00 and it's a 20 min drive. I get a text..

Her: Really... It's Tasha..It's closed ! Thanks!

OPPS! lol. I call her while I'm driving. Dodge and reframe. :D I talk to them for a bit and tell them to come to London Taphouse. It's where it's at tonight. In a VERY convincing tone. On the phone I'm very firm on it not being a big deal and that we're going to have an amazing night at Taphouse. (She's screaming at me. ;) )I eventually talk her in to agreeing to come but then get this text 10 minutes later.

Her: We're starving so were going to Boston Pizza <-- Bleh no logistics here

Me and Ales go out and pimp what lil is out on Tuesday. I send her

Me: Cool, We're going to grab some drinks at Slaintee's


I plan on calling her on Monday and trying to fuck her. I will succeed!
Joined: 01/18/2012
n looking for me. Full text up to the "meet-up"
Great convo man, and you handled shitty logistics super well. Was going to boston pizza out of the question??

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