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What things do you guys do to make yourselves feel AWESOME all the time

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Joined: 04/16/2013

This is something I've been thinking about recently, like I have an hour walk to university and back every single day. That's a lot of time it total over the months I'm gonna be here, and I could either spend time like this in a BORED DAYDREAM or I can be responsible for my emotions. 

This isn't just for situations where you're typically bored, I'm just trying to brainstorm ways in which we can make reality more interesting.

A few I've been doing recently:

  • Just feeling my body, the energy behind it, moving through the world. Got this from Eckhart Tolle
  • Getting into a walking meditative state, trying to heighten sense perceptions as much as possible
  • Observing the world around me through ridiculous frames, my favourite at the moment "All women are in a constant desperate struggle for the next dick". (Absolutely hilarious to walk down th street seeing girls frantically texting, dragging confused looking chodes out to coffee, seeing their facial expression like "oh my god is this it?!?" when you smile at them).
  • Calling up friends to chat about nonsense, just creating fun, distancing myself from my own thoughts 

I've got to a point where I don't feel like I need anything to be happy anymore, I'm in this permanent joyful buzz about life. My sex life is handled, my lifestyle is where I want it, the majority of my thinking has moved from "how to I achieve XYZ" to "how do I enjoy this moment, and create that same enjoyment for others as much as possible?"

I apologise if my quality of writing makes my point unclear, clarity of written communication is not my strong point

Infinity's picture
Joined: 09/18/2013
Observing the world around me

Observing the world around me through ridiculous frames, my favourite at the moment "All women are in a constant desperate struggle for the next dick". (Absolutely hilarious to walk down th street seeing girls frantically texting, dragging confused looking chodes out to coffee, seeing their facial expression like "oh my god is this it?!?" when you smile at them).

Haha that is hilarious!

Here's what I do in the mornings


Five guys nuts-ta-butts in a van.