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Pickup Coaching
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krispy's picture
Joined: 03/16/2012
One thing i've been noticing lately is I get that initial orgasm of attraction from the girl, even through text. But then if the convo wavers away I have trouble with how to re-engage.

Any of you straight up beasts find yourself doing this? or have a solution?

Im open to ideas.

Is something like "how was your day babe. i did blah blah blah" a weak re-engager?

EDIT: I was having my period earlier obviously as this post is complete vagina.
krispy's picture
Joined: 03/16/2012
Re: Re-engaging with invested numbers.

Yeah thats pretty solid advice.

You never want to be giving the girl JUST the emotions of feeling wanted when she texts you. You want her to be feeling those negative emotions of 'why hasnt he text me back' or 'whats he up to' too, along with a whole spectrum of emotions, as it creates more emotional investment on her part.

I opened up a cute Nutritionist I made my wife in the club this weekend, who I created that quiet and attentive daze at the club with:

me: Paging Dr [surname] we need a nutritional dork stat ;p
me: how was your day. I started packing and moving stuff. gonna do some music in a bit.
her: Haha nutritional dork! Love it! my day was alright same old same old, and yours? where you moving too then? I hate packing, worst thing ever! Lol what sort of music do u write? x

Haven't replied yet will get round to it tomorrow afternoon. Got shit to do homie. Never put the women before your business. Or how about this for a crazy IDEA. Never put the women before yourself.

We're the shit baby.
Joined: 05/27/2012
Re: Re-engaging with invested numbers.

That girl is totally invested.