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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 04/20/2012
Me: Paris opener

Her: what I told you I can't SWIM!

A week+ later.. I forgot about this one. Me: we'll good thing we are flying into Paris and not swimming the English channel

Her: ah your from the boonies! I see you boy

Me: you city folk won't know how to handle a farm boy

Her: How were the crops this year? Did Mary moo cow survive her complicated birth?

Me: Sure did. I had to go elbow deep to get the hiether calf though. And the hay wagon ride to the vet was a bit bumpy and long

Her: how realistic is this to you real life though

Me: about as realistic as gang shootings and crack heads mugging people in the city.. So extremely accurate
Me: but crops are bad this year so I am reluctantly forced to head to the city for work

Her: for a Long while or just a bit? Cause you see I'm looking to talk to someone for a long time and it's no use to me if your a seasonal worker.

Don't really know what she meant by that. I mean I'm only 30 mins from her.. Anyways. Me: so long as I don't get fired for some girl talking my ears off :p **manwhores signature nerdy number close**


Her: Yessss iMessage!
Me: Now I can send you pics of baby chickens and my animal game fo freee. Names Icecock btw
Her: Hi Icecock man!
Her: How's the farm animals?
Her: You're tall sheesh
Me: Good thing I lied on my profile to compensate for insecurities 
Me: Just kidding I am a giant 
Her: I bet that helps with the ladies 
Her: Probably not 
Me: Definitely not. Scares them off
Her: Are you a stripper? Night walker? Dog fighting promoter?
Her: Why do you spend nights downtown?
Me: All of the above. At the same time. Are you an analytical therapist? Cause your stalking the shit outta my profile
Her: Fuck you! I clicked once 
Her: Nice 46th wrinkle babe
Her: 46th from the left!
Me: Bah imma deal with you tomm. My bed longs for the warmth of my body
Her: For the length of your body probably
Next day me: It got both the warmth and length last night 
Her: icecooockkkk
Me: ***her Okc username** lol still don't know her real name.. Gotta ask for it I gues 
Her: Hold on a second I forgot my hourly profile view 
Me: K. I'll wait
Her: Done 
Her: You get more beautiful every time 
Her: Each*
Me: ohhhh that's why you keep looking. I could just sext you pictures of my goregous face. **send pic of me with funny eye glasses and flower in my hair
Her: Nice 
Her: I didn't notice your were crossed eyed
Her: Or is it cross eyed?
Her: I never learned 
Me: It's neither. They are autistic eyes 
Her: That's hot.
Her: **sends pic of baby**
Her: Look at this little pudge face. Best baby cousin ever
Me: I want to smell him. I bet he smells like youth and baby powder
Her: Yes he does smell great. I too was a chubby baby 
Her: **A few minutes later sends pic of her face, with marker nose and whiskers biting her lip.. Hnggg!
Her: meow :)
Me: Omg
Me: Damn girl. Just how am I supposed to work with this semi now 
Her: Too bad! It already happened 
Me: Bad kitty 
a while later Her: Where do you work?
Me: All over the ****. I'm by the airport today. Where abouts in the city are you
Her: I'm by xxxx and xxxxx 
Me: Fuck girl! Stop texting me. I have to look at that hot ass picture everytime you do
Me: Distracting as hell
Her: sends pic of sex eyes and tongue out
Her: Place food here! I'm hungry 
Me: hnnngg! What did I say girl! No more pics till I get home
Her: Fine whatever hurrrryyy home 
Me: Good little girl :)
Her: Are you done working Ice?
Me: Kinda. At home doing paper work
Me: And trying to slack
Her: What kind of job do you do? 
Me: All sorts of nonsense. Work for myself
Me: What do you spend your days on
Her: Holy vagueness 
Her: I'm an events coordinator at a recreation centre
Me: It's pretty classified.. But aside from that I do A job, B job, find girls on the Internet and swindle them out of their hopes and dreams, and C job
Her: Now that's a life I can agree with!
Me: Good cause I want your hopes and dreams. And your discount on floor hockey at the rec centre
Her: Unfortunately no floor hockey but we have tennis, basketball, ping pong, swimming, sauna, billiards, aqua fit...
Me: No floor hockey? Lame. But what it lacks in that it makes up for with ping pong and bollards
Me: And billiards too
her: :) yeah
Her: my friends get to hangout for free 
Me: Good cause when I get back we are going to play all sorts of lliards. Bolliards, billiards, balliards. The works
Her: You can teach me how to swim  too! 
Her: I can float but not swim 
Me: Omg. Horrible idea. Let's stick to ping pong
Her: No! Teach me how to swim! It's a great bonding experience.
Her: I made a fun shirt 
Me: As long as you promise to wear a one piece so I can focus on keeping you above water 
Me: What type of short
Me: *shirrrt. But show me your shorts too
Her: Oh you! I'll wear a one piece! Only if you wear a one piece too. 
Her: Not wearing bottoms 
Her: But I'll show you my shirt
Her: sends pic of her back in mirror. Wearing a pink tattered shirt

She jusssstt sent that pic. Fuck. I really want to meet up with her tonight but I'm meeting the cherish soon cause im going away for a few days. Oh well we have good rapport so it'll be no problem to keep this up for a few days before we meet. I'd do a breakdown but I gotz no time now. Barely have time to keep texting her tnight before the gal shows up
Alex123's picture
Joined: 05/01/2012
Re: Okc Spanish-esque girl

Does this start at the beginning?

Either way, nicely done...

This girl is super invested. Your texts seem very casual, (moreso than mine) like you don't put much effort or thought into them, but theyre still good.

She's taking your lines about warmth of ur body and making kinda sexual like length of ur body, calling u babe, saying ur beautiful, sending u pics w her tongue out telling u to feed her... shit youre doing great here.

I like how u told her to stop texting u pics til u got home and shes like hurrrrry

but yeah I why you're texting here is so badass... 'cuz it doesnt seem like theres many of those manwhore one-liners going on here,

just seems like friendly playful texts but she's like fucking ON IT. damn
Joined: 04/20/2012
Re: Okc Spanish-esque girl
Yeah I don't know, I didn't do much thinking when texting her.. Maybe someone can break it down? But since she's already invested I think most if my texts were pretty chill but still coming from a place of higher value. Like their isn't much to do now aside from meetup do no sense in trying to pump attraction or qualify the meetup.

Gaaaawwwwddd. She sent me a shot of her wearing t shirt and booty shorts yesterday.. Fuck i love booty shorts. And booties.

I'm still out of town for work. I want to get home and meetup with this girl ASAAAAPPPP. We might go home tnight or might spend another day here.. I'm so torn. I'm texting the girl in the other thread trying to get her to meetup tnight. So if she isn't down Id want to devour this chick