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Pickup Coaching

Basically Texted A Girl. I just want to fuck. She texts back. I have no idea where to go from here.

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Joined: 07/14/2013

Hey guys. New to the forum. Manwhore told me to post this text convo. Its half of it because I'm a fag and I was embarassed of some of the choadey shit I texted her heres what i have saved: 

so basically i told a girl straight up that i wanted to fuck

she said she was maybe free tommorow (which is tonight) and she of course flaked tonight

she got pisseed off at some petty shit - i got reactive and i guess i said should i delete your number then?. but we're still texitng i guess. i dont know where to take this. eventually


she said she's done fucking around with interns.

i said: "lol you've just been banging a lot of interns then"

her: "haha. well.. just one but it was last night so tonight i honestly dont think its gonna happen again"

me: "haha well it just so happens i got with a ballerina last night but theres nothing wrong iwth repeats" are u going ot make me wait til next weekend miss elusive"

her: wow really? doubt it

edit: manwhore already responded to me. i texted "She told me she learned more about ballet from fucking me then she learned in her petty ballet school...I was a graceful black swan"

lol will update this

Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
That small font nigga..thats

That small font nigga..thats the shit i dont like