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Pickup Coaching
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Alex123's picture
Joined: 05/01/2012
Me: After a rigorous brief review of your profile it seems that we both enjoy running marathons daily and swimming with baby seals, looking forward to our trip to Paris in a hot air balloon.
Her: omg what
Me: Yeah babe lets go. The weather's awesome so start packing although you don't need much,flip flops and a hat for the sun.
Her: im so confused

Suggestions? Im having trouble w these girls who arent showing much interest but still reply over text, much like buddha talks about in his FRs.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Sick-Cunt's picture
Joined: 04/05/2012
Re: OKC girl

At this point I would make the conversation real (back to real life) while still just being cool and value giving.

Like be playful and accusatory

"These girls aren't going to harass themselves" - Some Cunt