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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 09/10/2012

Holy shit. I've never read anything quite like this book. Definitely not like one of those oversaturated "Get Rich Fast" concoctions

A few takeaways:

1.) Don't buy into the fairy tale that going to college will secure you a job. Education begins after graduation, not before

2.) Most people think getting rich is an event (winning the lottery), but it is in fact, a process - a complex series of fine-tuned events 

3.) Financial freedom doesn't come from investing in the stock market, real estate, or 401ks. it comes from investing in a money tree (i.e internet business) that rapidly accelerates your wealth. All you need to do is water it here and there and reap the benefits

4.) To make millions, you're going to have to IMPACT millions

5.) Get Rich Quick DOES in fact exist -- note: NOT Get Rich Easy



Check out the author's youtube page. He's all about process orientation - you'd think he goes out and pimps too lol

Joined: 10/15/2012
I just put that on my list.

I just put that on my list. That shit got me fired up.

Im currently reading Think Big by Benjamin Carson. About a black man who grew up in inner city detroit with a mother of a 3rd grade education and he became a nuerosurgeon. Im almost half way done but so far his mom and Ben Carson are harping on 2 things, Think Big and just do your absolute best and God will take care of the rest. Pretty inspiring.


Big Cat

Joined: 09/10/2012
i remember hearing about that

i remember hearing about that guy a while back. CNN was promoting his other book, Gifted Hands

and yes that title served inspiration for a few cunningly naughty texts :)