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Pickup Coaching
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From about June to august: I basically went out basically with good wings. Goal was basically have fun be social and learn from them. It lukewarm worked. I learned to be social and have fun. Had a result or two.
from august to September : I basically went hard at world summit wanted to push myself beyond anything else and I lukewarm succeeded at hat I and I learned a lot from the summit plus implemented Jon’s teachings and saw 2 new results.
From September to Oct.: was a period where I took the lessons of Jon and world summit deeply and stuck to a plan went out every day. Had 1 result.
from Oct. to Nov.: just got really reflective, looked back on life, and just almost got a bit depressed about the inevitability of this all, like the end of the year is coming etc. loll.
During my last 30 day challenge:
Am happy that made goals and stuck to them. And I realized how to get into confident stage. I am happy that I made inroads in projecting being the boss and, I got called the boss during that month by everyone. I believe there were some behavior changes habits and self-beliefs that came from that, I feel there were some deeper level changes I feel more in charge still holding on loll.

However it laid bare also a lot of weakness I had in my game. Especially it laid bare all the inner game issues that consistently kept me back. This was made apparent with the wings I had to roll with who sometimes got girls I would approach. Forcing me to really think why I am not enough when i was. And the competition drove me to new heights in my game. I realized simply put I wasn’t stepping up enough, not loud enough, not doing enough. That was the lesson of September everything was close but not enough. Giving up too easily.

October was a tough month for me; I became introspective didn’t go out for a month. Basically became slightly depressed like I had needed rest - exhausted / frustrated. I haven't had my ocd flair up in years but a lit bit shows up whenever I go into the cave loll

The great thing about these past ten months is that my growth has been fast. But unless I continue to grow myself harder emotionally and socially, I wont' become socially astute and high value person that I need to be to be able get the girl. Basically my growth was good but wasn't good enough. The inner game shit was what held me back last time - the attitude of "go, Go GO” just go instead of me plotting of better way to do it. Is the mentality I need to stop the self doubt –ing the method . Just do it.

Getting to the next level of growth:
More growth more emotional intelligence, more knowledge, more social abilities, more development and growth. Inner game habits need to be more solid to really make that next growth happen, the more emotional astute, more social ability, and more sharper is the growth I am looking for.
in order to push for that next level growth, I need to push the boundaries and change the inner game completely to being positive and think I am the shit , I am enough, inner game strength, I can't use these excuses: am not good enough looking, need more hair, no more this or that, or my game sucks etc.

Need to push My Boundaries Each day:
as long as I am pushing my boundaries ( in the right way), narcotics positive ( reframe everything), making challenges for myself in every aspect( harder and harder sets) , you’re going to the next level amount of growth, I need to push for ( character building) I need in order to make that next level growth there are a lot of inhibitors in terms of inner game issues, like I need to be able to go out there and plow hard sometimes and in order for me to do that I can't get butt hurt this set didn't work and oh cry about it. I need to be able to not get shut down like that, I need to not quit (as Jon says become the leader),
How? I plan on writing a challenge for that day on my journal and executing it. This develops willpower and focus.

Developing the challenger mentality:
You are going to use: go after every set and try to close it. As a catayst for you to get that deeper level aggressive personality change with in you. I need to plow on every set because that forces me for growth, it’s all intervened. By me controlling those emotions and making shit happen (requires me to have good beliefs).
Deep level aggressiveness, the play to win. Because in order to do this mentality, I have to be able to have the right belief systems. That is what is really I am going for the right proper belief systems and then social emotional growth. I am at peak of my manhood, I need to be the most vicious , ruthless man I can be.
I can only push myself harder if am positive, if I believe I am enough, and have high self-esteem and worth. Only when I can believe it, I can be persistent enough -- we can work thru - to get the next level growth. Become a Fighter go getter aggressive ability only when developing more emotional growth / becoming more of a boss personality.. Play to win, training yourself to become more of a "fighter".
How? I’m basically going to do exactly what I see in catalyst and mars journal, beast hard on anything and everything and force myself to think that I can close this even stunner or group set etc. Those guys are ruthless almost vicious with how they game.

Stop the negative thinking:
- The deep-seated inner game issues were what stopped me in round 1. Two things I discovered about myself were I would make excuses like. Two behavior problems: 1) looking for others to lead 2) there is nothing wrong with you, don’t have hair don’t have to be white. Reframe everything to positivity

Daily Plan of Action: ( FOR WEEK 0) – Get back on track !
- Out there at 8 pm. crisp shirt, shaved ready.
- made your challenge for that day.
-go after every set and try to close it. Fuck ego.
Weekly Goals;

Week1: play to win mentality (do exact what mars / Kobe does)
week2: extreme persistence (josh style game)
week3: pushing your limits& trickery & closing game

How I know I Succeeded in November:
if I see myself I am out there consistently these next 27 days, proactive, and go out trying to close every set, and thinking positive , believing myself to be the boss, and making challenges for myself every day and getting that "social" intelligence growth that I need. That I am able get the girl this time on developed personality. Basically my growth was good last time but wasn't good enough. If I acted like the boss like I know I can be.