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Pickup Coaching
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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Okay, so this is a super long field report and they will continue to be this long probably. But I promise you that there is a FUCKTON of value in this. If you read it, you will see stuff that will help you. I put in more detail in my field reports than almost any other thread I've ever read and I do it because it helps me but also because it's gonna help you guys.

lmao- it took me like an hour and a half to write this. But it's worth it because I learn a lot from this.

So tonight was pretty good. Best night so far, by a long shot. I had 2 solid interactions and 1 interaction that could have gone a lot further but I'll go into that later.

Ended up with 2 VERY VERY solid numbers. Looks like I'm going to the fucking shooting range, baby. I'm actually really pumped to go, whether or not either of these girls comes with me. I just want to shoot a fucking gun (dude manwhore, you have inspired me. But unlike you I don't like pigeons shitting on me, so I'm gonna hit up some targets)

Okay so here it is:

Tonight was really really fucking awesome. I did all of my approaches and they were all strong approaches that I was very happy with. First approach, I did that claw thing which was cool. It was my first time doing it sober though so like it was slightly weak but I still had good eye contact and spoke loud enough, the only part of it that was weak was the actual claw grip but I know next time I do it, Ill be MUCH more confident with it. Zero question. Even with it being weak, the girl responded decently. At first she was unsure and hesistantly gave me her name (result of the weak claw) but then she looks at me and immediately upon seeing the eye contact starts to ask me questions. Lmao also- I totally just realized that I peacock when I go out. It's a very mild peacock but a peacock just the same. I wear this little necklace I got in the DR and like two separate girls made a point to ask me about it. Anyway, so yeah, she asks me about the necklace and she's like, "It's very Cali.. WAIT are you a Cali boy?!" and I'm like, "Yeah" and she gives me this intense like smile thing. So we keep talking a bit but she was a little drunk and being kinda spacey (It's my responsibility to take care of this and MAKE her want to pay attention though, so no excuses) Anyway- she kept like waving to someone at one of the tables the whole time but I just ignored it and kept plowing... She gets kind of disinterested and ends up going away with the dude who I assume she was waving at. It was just a little warmup though so its all good.

The lesson learned was to go in fucking STRONG with the claw or don't go in at all.

Okay so I go and order a water and a pbr (I'm going to stop doing this and just tip for my waters.) My dance floor is fucking popppin off the hook so I walk onto it and I just feel very calm. It's like I have space in my head to just look around and relax and survey the scene.

So I am actually just standing in the middle of all of this action, kinda a polarizing figure in contrast to everyone else lmao, but I'm relaxed so it's not weird, I'm just like not doing what everyone else is doing.

I see a girl in front of me and just go, "Hey" but she's like fucking HAMMERED and I can't even understand her response, so I just stand there and for shits keep asking, "What".. ."what"... "What" until she goes away lmao, god, being sober and seeing some of these drunk people, it's like WOW- you guys look retarded (I don't even want to know what I looked like)

So then I see a group of three people. Two girls and a dude but the dude is sitting down and the girls are standing up so I go up and say, "hey" to one of the girls and she EXPLODES open... haha like she's all, "HEYYYY HOW ARE YOU?!" and In my head im just like, "woh"... lmao, so I just kinda roll with it and I'm like, "good, what's up" and she just looks at me and I give solid eye contact back and before she says anything, I'm just like, "Yes, we don't know eachother" and she kinda freaks out (in a good way) and like goes and grabs her friend and I don't move. I just kinda stand there and in my head I'm like, "uhh... I don't know what's going on" but then she comes back and I'm like, "Did you think you knew me" and she's like, "YEAH" and I'm like, "huh, what's his name" and she's like, "idk... I went to school with him" and I'm like, "Whered you go to school?" and she's like, "xxx" and I'm like, "Uhh, you def. do know me somehow.. cause that's where I went to school" and then she's like, "Your in xxx fraternity, yeah?" and I'm like, "Yup.. it's me"... so she keeps freaking out a bit and like keeps saying how great it is that we met blah blah... Lmao, turns out that she dated my big in the fraternity... But he is a HUGE DOUCHE and I really DONT like him... so she's totally fair game. He never hung out with me and would always promise to go to dinner with me or like hit up a knicks game and would never follow through- so fuck him. As payback- I'm gonna fuck his ex. BITCH haha

Oh I want to just put it out there that my interactions are starting to go way too long to remember all of it, so I'll just being give as much detail as I can muster. I just can't remember ALL the verbals AND all the physical/mental stuff... but I'll do my best to give as much as I can

Anyway- So we get to talking and like I do this thing where I just stand EXACTLY where I am with very good posture and almost a slight leanback and I don't fucking BUDGE and the girls just totally eat it up (probably without realizing it) and end up leaning super far in to talk to me and like grabbing me to pull me closer... also, while doing this I give really fucking good eye contact. Oh so then at one point I get the, "So who are you here with" and I'm just like, "nobody" and she's like, "wait so you're just here alone?" and I fucking caved and lied man... FUCK... I'm not mad that I'm lied... I'm dissapointed that I felt the need to prove myself to her, that I didn't feel secure enough in what I was doing to just tell the truth... But wtvr, it's all good. So I lie and tell her I'm meeting up with a friend in a bit... up until that though she was giving me a ton of shit for being a creep etc... but it was funny cause I just didn't react at all, my only reaction to her shit tests was more and more eye contact and an absolutely straight face. lmao, it was funny cause right after she was like, "Your a creep" and I was like, "Yeah, I'm a creep, but I'm awesome, so it's okay" and she's like, "No your a creep" and then I didn't say anything and just gave her eye contact and then literally like 5 seconds later she's like, "Okay, wait, let me go tell my friend you're not a creep or anything" and In my head I just pictured a really funny meme of the situation. Anyway- we talk for a bit more and then she says she has to go to the bathroom//get a drink so she goes off

Oh- also, as soon as the girl I was talking to left, her friend comes up to me and grabs my hand and like spins around me. and so I start dancin with her a little but she's pretty drunk so I'm not that into it lmao... But like we start dancing and I'm spinning her around and shit and jammin to the song (the DJ at this bar fucking KILLLLLLS IT EVERY NIGHT... I love this guy) and then I pull her in and she gets all up in my ear and is like, "How do you xxxgirl?" and I'm like, "Apparently she knew me from school but I don't really know her" and she's like, "Oh so you guys aren't like bffs?" and I laugh and I'm like, "Nooo" and she starts grinding on me.

I'm really not that into it though so I'm not making a move (if I had, it would have DEF. been on... and I'm not just saying this.. she was DEF. into me lmao, like you just gotta trust me on this one) so I am just like standing there while she's dancing around me like a fucking jackrabbit, grindin on me like im a pole, spinnin around me and I don't really move at all, lmao, then she probably realized I wasn't feeling it or just got bored//add cause she's drunk and so she left and went back to her other friends

So I walk back towards the bar and grab another water (it's been probably like 20 minutes or so at this point.. mabye 15) and I'm in the zone at this point. I'm talkin to the dudes standing next to me and singing the words to the song and like throwin my hands in the air... all the shit I used to do drunk, except now I'm sober so I don't look/sound like a retard ; ) ..

As I'm doing this, the other girl comes back to the bar and stands next to me and I put my arm around her and rub her hair a little bit in that sorta dominant, playful way and I'm like, "I'm gettin a water" and she's like, "It's SOO good to see you" (or something like that) and like leans into my arm. I tell her to stay with me while I get my water but she tells me just to meet her back with her friends, and I'm like, "k cool" and give her that good ol' fashioned eye contact. She heads back to her spot and I decide that I don't want to head straight there so I look around for some girls to approach.

Anyway- I look behind me and see some dude dancing with a chick and I literally just grab her and start dancing with her and she starts dancing with me and I turn around and start like shoving my but into her vag and just messin around and she's diggin it and like a couple people around us are laughing and like watching us and this girl comes up to try and dance with me more but It's been long enough so I decide to head back to the first girl's table and chill with her for a bit. They are all getting drunk and dancing and so I'm right there, jammin out.. fully unstifled... fully in the zone.. fully rockin out. The girl is kinda ignoring me and I didn't play this well- I tried WAY TOO HARD to get her attention. Not in like a super weird, obvious way, but I was just sorta standing next to her... like doing my own thing and dancing and having fun but I was giving her WAY TOO MUCH leeway to not talk to me and ignore me... I was letting her gain the buyer frame... it was subtle, but it was def. happening.

As a solution to this- I should have just gone over and grabbed her friend who was into me and started dancing with her again.. this would have solved the ENTIRE issue. Like literally, this would have been the PERFECT solution. But I didn't do it- next time.

Anyway- so she talks to me a bit but really is ignoring me (because I'm letting her)... Like I grab her attention a few times and we're jokin around and stuff and I'm playfully teasing her but I the point is that I was TRYING to get her attention, the only way to have flipped this dynamic was to go over and dance with her friend. Cause she would have 1. seen that I didn't care and 2. She would have seen how into me her friend was and then all I would have had to do is let jealousy plotlines ensue... BAM... next time

So I decide I want to go and approach more girls, so I go for the # and she gives it to me... a little hesitantly (She was def. weirded out a little cause she used to date my big)

2 things with regards to this: 1. I didn't separate myself enough from my big for her to see me as something completely distinct
2. I gave her the buyer frame by not going and dancing with her friend so she felt entitled to that frame and acted accordingly

So I get her # and peace (oh- I told her I was leaving the venue... ugh... seriously I gotta stop with these stupid lies... they are dumb and unnecessary and actually this one comes back to bite me in my next interaction)

Okay, so I'm heading downstairs and I see this girl taking a picture of a dude and another girl and right as she's taking the photo I pop up in the background and do a pretty awesome photobomb and after she takes it, I give her eye contact and I'm like, "How'd the photobomb go... did I get in it?" and she laughs and is like, "You'r great smile is in it" and I go up and start talking to her... she's hooked (anime eyes, FOR SURE) everything I say she's just like, "OMG THAT'S AMAZING" blah blah blah ... (She wasn't that hot at all, I actually only approached because I wanted to talk to her friend... That's another issue with this approach, I didn't act through my intent and as a result I was left with the one I didn't want)

Anyway- she brings up the, "Who are you here with?" question and this time, I'm just like, "I'm here by myself" and she's like, "What?" and I'm like, "Yeah I just moved here and I love going out and meeting people" and she's like, "That's great" and then is like, "That's my friend xxx" and points to the girl I'm interested in (I think soemhow she knew taht's what I wanted lmao, I feel kinda bad... I think she just didn't feel that she was good enough for me.. maybe not, but that's my hunch) and I'm like, "Oh awesome, introduce me" and so she pulls her friend away from some dude and is ilke, "Hannah! This is BG!!!" and her friend opens RIGHT UP and is super pumped to meet me...

Then she's like, "How do you guys know each other" and the girl is like, "We just met, he just moved here" and she's laughing kinda nervously cause she knows that this is socially weird but at the same time she knows I'm awesome so it's like a tug of war... but the other girl is like, "Whaa" lmao, I forget how not normal it is to be doing what I'm doing...

But anyway- we keep talking for a bit.. oh- the girl I'm interested starts asking me about my necklace and again thinks it's SO AWESOME that I'm a "Cali boy"... idk what it is with girls and "cali boys" haha I think it's just an excuse that they can be like, "Ohhh THAT'S why he's cool) like it's something that they can make sense of...

Anyway- the girl I initially was talking to is like, 'Hey let's go to the dancefloor and is like, "Come with us BG" and I'm like, "uhh okay" and then as we get closer, I see that first girl there and I look at the girl I'm with and I'm like, "I don't wanna walk over there" and she's like, "Why" and I'm like, "I don't wanna say" and she's like, "NO... TELL ME" and I'm like, "No..." and she's like, "well okay, we're gonna go then" and I'm like, "okay.." and give her real solid eye contact and just like clockwork she's like, "No seriously, please tell me, I want to know" and I'm just like, "uh okay... I don't want to see someone over there" and she's like, "Oh so you know someone over there?" and I'm like, "yeah" and she kinda looks at me all upset and her other friend is pulling her away and she's just like, "okay" and walks away

Ugh, this was so dumb lmao... 1. I shouldn't have told the first girl I was leaving and 2. I shouldn't have given a flying fuck that I did say that and should have gone to the dancefloor with these girls anyway... like DURRR

Okay so after this, I head downstairs and I walk up to the bar to grab another water and I see two girls sitting down (hottest girls of the night) and I put my arm on the one closer to me's shoulder and I'm like, "Hey" and she kinda turns around a little startled and her friend tries to critique my approach and is like, "You can't touch her" and I just look at her and kinda smile and I do my standard, "okay" with GREAT eye contact... and then she literally just does a fucking 180 and is like, "But isn't she a BABE?" and I'm like, "OOOO should I have just come up and been like, 'HEY BABBBBBEEEEE how are you?!" in like a sarcastic//girly voice and they both start laughing and then the girl who intially called me out is like, "She is a babe, but you can't call her babe" and I'm like, "Okay" ... and then give the eye contact and then I'm like, "Well now you're just getting ahead of yourself, that doesn't come till later" and they both laugh and the shit tests are over... I PASSSSSED!! YAY!!! lmfao! jokes... But seriously

So I'm like, "I'm gonna grab this seat and I sit right between both of them so it's the one girl on my left, the other girl on my right" and I order my water...

They ask me the usual chode questions... turns out they are from cali and the convo s goin realll well... Like it's at that point where they are BOTH like really into me... like I'll say something and they BOTH will be like "What" and like both lean in super close to me to hear. But I started giving more attention to one of them and so the other one just sorta accepted her role and started being like, "OMG xxxgirl is AWESOMe... like she's the coolest... like if you want to meet someone she's such a great girl to meet"

Oh and then at one point we're talking and she's telling me about her job and like she's in sales and when she says this she says it in a super weird voice, so I rip on her for that but in a SUPER SUPER funny way and they are both like dieing of laughter. Convo continues (this one was REALLY long so I jjust don't remember much of the verbals) but yeah, I'm just sittin there and I feel very SOLID and like the other girl just keeps telling me how awesome her friend is and then at one point I'm like, "You guys are SO BEST FRIENDS" in like a girly voice and they start crackin up and I'm just like, "OMG BEST FRIENDS" and they are lovin it... but for the most part I'm just being a very solid dude, so this little bouts of playful humor come off funny and not like a clown... At one point, I tell the one girl to give me her # and she does... and I'm like, "have you ever shot a gun?" and she's like, "no but OMG I REALLY want to" and I'm like, "Yeah, I'm gonna take you to a shooting range" and she's like, "OMG that'd be AWESOME" so I'm like, "let's do it this weekend" and she's like, "Yeah text me this week so we can set it up".. very solid...

So we keep talking for a bit and like I'm just making them laugh at occasional points but other than that just being very solid... like nothing flashy... part of the issue is that I know I had attraction but I never got that like SUPER attraction so I never felt the moment was right to do a makeout or wtvr... and honestly, I just think this was a very "solid" interaction and could easily result in a day2 fuck... but also these girls were pretty hot and so they weren't going to be all "Lushy" and shit... they were mature, hot girls... High Quality.

So then after a bit I'm like, "Hey xxxgirl, sorry to break up all this awesomeness but it's getting late, I gotta head out" and she's like, "Okay" so I get up, give her a kiss on the cheek, give her friend a kiss on the cheek and peace out

-Pretty solid night. I think both #'s are solid. The first one may take a little more "game" than the second one.. but who knows... maybe they both will flake, maybe they both will be easy... who knows

But damn guys, this is getting easier and easier every time. And tonight I had SO MUCH FUN... I was just totally unstifled and doing what I wanted. Like I just felt great and was having a blast.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: TonightX3- It's only getting better

Okay, so I think something I do reallly fuckign well is how I handle shit tests... And the reason I tihnk I handle them well is becuase they literally do not bother me AT ALL...

Like there is ZERO change inside me when a girl says anything close to a shittest.

When girls asked me who I was with I didn't get any feeling inside of me like, "ohhh noooo" I just didn't give a flying fuck, like truly, inside I didn't react.. not just externally

When the girl told me I couldn't touch her friend... I didn't give a fuck. I understood where she was coming from and I just smiled and said, "Okay" because that's kinda how I felt inside. It was just an expressino of me.

This also allows me to say funny shit right after and not lose any ground.

But yeah, I would say that's one of the things I'm most pleased with about my nights so far, is my handling of shit tests... Like literally all I ever say is, "okay" ... with a completely straight face and HUGE eye contact.

That's it. I don't follow it up with anything, I don't try and like explain myself. I just let my eyes do the explaining for me.

Like, literally if my eyes could talk they would be saying, "Bitch.. does it look like I give even an ounce of a fuck about anything you just said" ... but I also smile so it's almost like it's just turned on them.

Wow. This is stuff that I couldn't do drunk. I'm really diggin this. Can't wait for tomorrow night. Once again though, it's all about getting the approaches in at this point- the rest will come, I have plenty of time... I just need to focus on getting in the amount of HARD approaches that I made a committment to myself to get.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: TonightX3- It's only getting better

haha also- if you guys saw me...

Let's just say I'm CRUSHING the looks matter debate ; )

Although I am tall and blonde and white... so maybe not : /

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Alex123's picture
Joined: 05/01/2012
Re: TonightX3- It's only getting better

When you say you had a "weak" claw, what do you mean exactly.

Bc in your last Fr you explained how a strong claw consisted of the "hand of god" transition into a light grip on her hand with solid eye contact, and that she would be brought to you just by the fact that she felt your hand on hers.

Do you mean you didnt feel solid about it on the inside?
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: TonightX3- It's only getting better

Oh, yeah, totally cool man. Slight misunderstanding here.

In my last post, I said (or at least MEANT to say) that a strong APPROACH is, "blah blah blah what you just said"

The CLAW is a funny name for just a style of approach that I've heard being thrown around a bunch where you basically just take your arm and put it around the girls waist, pull her in and give solid eye contact and say "what's up" or wtvr.

So what I meant when I say, "The CLAW was waek" was that I didn't have a strong grip of her waist, like I was being weak with my physicality

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."