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Pickup Coaching
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Robesy's picture
Joined: 07/07/2013


Me: Pretend this message is origninal and exciting.

Her: Haha it is very. Do you have a kik?

Me: No. What is that?

Her: Want to text?

Me: Sure, shoot me your #. Ill only stalk you on Tuesdays ;)

Her: (her #)

Now texting:

Me: This is a VIP number. Keep it safe. -Adam (tinder)

Girl - 1 hr later: Haha okay whatever you say.

Me - 7 mins later: So what trouble are you up to today?

Girl: Sitting in class bored , snapchatting people. You?

Me: I sent her a selfie of me in my military blues since I was at a reception.

Girl - 2 mins later: How fun (she also attatched a picture of her own, god she was hot.)

Me - 4 mins later: Not really lol, I've been sitting here for 2 hours.

Girl: Psh i would ditch.

Me - 1 min later: Ha, I wish. I mean I'm getting payed to be here but's boring.

Girl: Oh well atleast you getted paid doing it. So you're in the army?

Me - 1 min later: not yet, ROTC right now. I don't get sworn into the real army until I graduate college.

Girl: Oh ,cool.

Me: So what about you?

Girl - 5 mins later: What about me

Me - 1 hr 53 mins later: lol, nvm...

Girl: Alright.. Haha

Me - 12 mins later: Sitting in traffic in Ga sucks so bad. I need a freaking helicopter!

Girl: Yeah , atlanta is the worst.

Me - 4 mins later: Atl is the best, I still have yet to go to the aquarium though. They better have great whites lol. Me: Best city...besides traffic lol

Girl - 2 mins later: Hahaha nice. Yeah true

Me - 3 mins later: so how much longer you in school for?

Girl - 1 hr 59 mins later: What do you mean

Me - 1 hr 21 mins later: For this semester.

Girl - 7 mins later: Tomorrow is my last day

Me - 17 hrs 10 mins later: Atlanta got the best of me again. Tequilla 5...Adam 0.

Girl - 3 mins later: Cool.

Me - 5 mins later: I need a tylenol the size of a hockey puck!

Its been like 2 hours since my last text. God my text game sucks lol. When does manwhores book come out. I need to jump on that preorder like pronto!

Anyways, any help on things I could have executed better in the exchange would be appreciated. Ill get this tinder shit down eventually.