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Pickup Coaching
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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
So I wrote a recent post on "Getting her to invest" and in it I went into some detail on qualification.

I think that this is probably one of the single most NEGLECTED areas for ANY guy.... aspiring pooah OR natural

It's just one of those areas that most guys don't hit on and there is a reason for that. The reason is that we are trained so much to focus on ourselves that we actually lose track of the fact that at a certain point... WE ALREADY HAVE THE VALUE

Like how hard is it to believe, that after you get to a certain point, you're actually not getting laid because the GIRL doesn't feel like she understands why YOU like HER....

So we get so caught up in figuring out ways to calm OURSELVES down and to make OURSELVES more attracctive, that we forget about the entire other part of the equation.... THE GIRL

You got to figure out about HER lfie... so, for me, I have a HUGE tendency to basically ONLY talk about myself- and that's primarily because I'm awesome.... But basically what this means, for me, is that I need to take like 80% of that conversation and re-direct it onto her.

This isn't so that she starts talking, this isn't some weird "pooah trick"- this is solely so that I can learn about her and figure out if she actually is someone with the qualities that I like in a woman.

And if she is- then I can TELL HER THAT.

Without qualification- you wlil get flaked on, you will have girls like you in the moment but then get "buyers remorse", you won't be able to keep your fuck buddies...

Qualification is HUGELY important and goes hand-in-hand with getting the girl to invest.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."