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Pickup Coaching
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Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013

This concept is so fuckin important, and I finally figured it out. I have this buddy, not a bad guy, but everytime he attempts to take charge in any situation his tone is just far too aloof. The guy has helpful things to say, but the way he says it makes people want to punch him in the fucking face (including myself). I started to realize that people don't respond to him well simply because he is always speaking down to people. I started to realzie that I've been doing it as well. So I started to switch things up, when I decide to take charge I don't do it out of a sense of superiority but a sense of of selflessness. PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO RESPOND TO LEADERSHIP WHEN THEY ARE FEELING BELITTLED, THEY RESPOND TO PEOPLE WHO PROJECT THEIR DESIRE TO HELP. Thank god I figured this shit out!