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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 08/09/2012
So the third girl of the day was super super fine. I was filling out this application and saw her pick one up and was like " holy shit i need to talk to this girl". So i sit down next to her, open immediatly and all is awsome. We get to know each other pretty well and vibing aswomely. this girl was super fucking awsome, shes cute/sexy, swears like a sailor, smart, and super outdoorsy which in my opinion is girlfriend material. We talk and vibe for around 15 min and then i get hit with the boyfriend bomb and tells me she lives with him (FUCK should not have asked if she likes her roomate haha). I play it cool, kinda haha, then i ask how long theyve been goin out cause if its like 3 or 4 months or less im definatly goin for that anyway. But of course she says their one year anneversary is comin up. So i ask some other dumb questions so i dont leave right after finding that out although that would have been pretty funny haha. But yeah i tell her im done with my app so i leave and she says bye, pretty surprised she remembered my name considering i told her 15 min ago, then of course i gotta say bye and her name now so i glance at her app really quickly haha, and say bye. Im pretty sure ill see her around but shes pretty introverted and doesnt party that much anymore cause like i said shes really smart n all that. If it was any other girl like the two i met earlyer that morning i woulda been like fuckit and just straight up asked for her number ( Which i did ). Its pretty funny how those girls i just said fuckit to were in my class and if they said no it would be pretty awkward considering i would see them all semester but my game is tight so it worked ;). SO now i meet this girl and i cant just say fuckit and be completely willing to throw it away cause she was pretty awsome. SO i guess best case scenario im hopin with some luck ill run into her again sometime and by then she'll be single or somethin or even if shes not just be cool and say hi untill i get my opportunity haha. So what do ya think, should i have staight up said fuckit and gone for the number and be willing for it to be awkward next time. Or did i make the right choice. I also ralize that if i did go for the number amd she said no, then later on if i saw her again it wouldnt be that big of a deal for me to just go for it again but im just tryin to play it friendly and cool considering theres a pretty good chance im gunna run into these girls around campus again haha. So did i fuckup or no.
P.S I also did this with a girl i met in my later class but that was only because this class was like 19 people and there was really no need to considering i have that class 4 times a week haha. So dont't be to harsh on me fellas
Joined: 04/03/2012
Re: Bad or good decision?

I think you should chill out and approach other girls.

Usually when A girl says she has a boyfriend I disregard and continue with the conversation. Opening her up again might be weird if you are not coming from the right place.
Joined: 08/09/2012
Re: Bad or good decision?
Defiantly agree with you, and i forsure am not to hung up about it since i met 7 other girls that day and got 3 numbers. BUt yea i kinda avoid it as you said haha but in my head i was like fuckkkk. But the main reason i was asking was not really cause this girl was awsome but the vibe was really good and i was just wondering if it is worth taking the risk considering it was going so well. But whatever haha on to the next one. thanks for the advice btw