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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 03/30/2012

This was a girl I met while drunk at a hotel bar. She was much taller than me, I told on our first date, I want to wear her tallest, highest  heels. She said that she'd bring out her stripper heels. We had a fun interaction, did the oompaloompa dance and then I took her number, as her friends beckoned her. Here's the convo

Her: xxx xxx loved dead animals

Me: Awesome, totally expect those stripper heels to match my monopoly ones. Time to crash and sleep.

Next day

Me: Jesus, I'm still exhausted from those umpaloompa squats. How the rest of your night go?

Her: Haha it was fun. But im not feeling well now, i hope you had fun

Me: Had a great time. Liberty is like a playground. drink some chickenbroth and grey anatomy. Always helps me...except the broth;)

Next day

Her: Haha thank for the advice. I think the tv helped more than the broth.

Me:Nice got any good shows? I need a reason to procrastinate studying

Her: Have you tried house of cards? its on netflix and really good or orange is the new black. what do you study?

Next day

Me: Nice, now if I fail, i have someone to blame. I study neuroscience. You?

Next day

Her: Art history and international relations. At xxxx, where do you study?

Me: At xxx. Hey wats your schedule like on thursday?

Her: Im mostly free. Do you have anything in mind?

Me: I know this place for thai iced that has great reviews. Let take out those stripper heels and ruin their reputation.

No reply yet, but it still could come. 

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