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Pickup Coaching
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On motivation…

So I’ve been at this stuff for nearly 2 years. You ever get that feel that you’re so close to something? Always on the brink of a breakthrough. That’s how I feel with game. Even after all this time. The good and the bad. I’ve been slapped, spit on, burned with a cig, and kicked in the balls. I’ve also had sex with the first girl in my life, pushed myself in ways I never thought possible, met amazing people, and continuously worked on cutting out my dependencies. I’ve been constantly working on being the man I want to be.

It’s funny to me when people can’t find a reason to go out. A million excuses. I’ve caught myself many times doing the same bullshit. I’ve been out with bronchitis. I’ve been out in blizzards where my car gets stuck 6 times getting to the venue. I’ve been out when my plane lands at 1:00 AM and the club is 45 minutes away. I’m so gifted to have been given the emotional leverage to gain some momentum at this. I can see why people give up. This path really requires you being completely honest with myself. It’s not easy to say to yourself “Dude, it’s NOT over. Make positive assumptions. GET BACK IN THERE.” It’s easier to make rationalizations like you can’t do something for x reason. It’s my looks. I have a cough. I’m not interesting enough. Girls are mean. I have no friends…I can’t go out alone.

Improvement. This isn’t a skill where you can base it on external results. You will quit if this is the case. On the flip side, if you don’t analyze where you could do better once you get a handle on the basics you will NEVER leave the intermediate level. I feel like I have learned more from the last 3 weeks in game than the last 4 months. Incidentally I haven’t fucked a new girl in the 3 weeks. I feel the social pressure having less of an effect on me. I feel the vibe flowing. I can have a “regular” conversation with cool people. My “state” is less frequently shooting up and down based on reactions. I’m approaching the hot girls I never used to. I know where my sticking points are. I look back at them and write about them nearly every fucking day. Sticking points flash in my head more consistently as I’m out in field. It’s like my mind if able to unconsciously bring MORE things to the front that I’m aware need fixing.

Scared? The game is about being scared. I scare myself every week. Walking up to the 10 at the DJ booth. Opening a girl with another guy. PUSHING for the pull at the end of the night when you have to hail Mary it because you didn’t win over the friends properly. How do you handle being in nearly a constant state of being scared? You get used to it and desensitize yourself. You develop self-trust. How much do you trust yourself?

I love this shit. I’ve refused to settle for a monogamous girlfriend. I want to be great. I want to change things. I want to help people and share what I’ve learned. To quench my thirst for a relationship I created my own reality. I will not accept a girl who won’t let me sleep with other girls and work at this skill. At the same time I refuse to not give my absolute BEST to keep the girls I have the most chemistry with in my life. I’ve had the girl I truly love in FULL tears confused about what we are and wanting more. I stood my ground, willing to walk away. Empathizing where she’s at but knowing what I WANT.

In the end…there is NO ONE to push you. I realized that when I shoved myself out of my comfort zone and moved to Toronto. There was no crew to go out with. I was forced to face my insecurities. I slowly met a whole slew of people and FUCKED up a few times being a needy little bitch. It’s like life was telling me “Rely on yourself. Stop needing others.” I worked at it over the months. Making myself stronger. Not feeling the need to text others to go out. Now others come to me and hit me to go out. Why? When you are a force it’s natural that people will be attracted to you. It’s when you need nothing things will come to you. These are lessons we all know but it is hard to live by them unless you experience it in real life.

Here’s the truth. If this you can’t go out without a crew you are MASSIVELY limiting yourself. You are relying on external factors. I don’t intend to knock going out with others. I think it’s great. Just be aware of the man you are when you are alone.

To truly be successful I will need to meet and befriend people who are great at this. The funny thing is…they can’t make me great. All the work has to be done by me. You better believe a high status dude isn’t going to waste his time on some needy little bitch. Bring something to the table. See where you rely on external factors and cut them off. Be strong. How the FUCK else will you become something? No one was great because of other people. They got to where they are by people being drawn to them because they themselves are STRONG.

As for me. I AM motivation. I live it. I breathe it. I embody it. Nothing can stop me. It’s impossible.

How far are you willing to go to get this?

